Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017



Waving your arms to and fro up and down, back and forth as you stand on the edge of a tropical island after a hurricane become a tsunami, wondering where to get help, if to be a helicopter, need to be scooped up and taken to dry land. Praying for rain to wet a harvest and instead drowned in a pool, a pool of quicksand, buried up to the neck in soupy sands of quick not slow, feeling the grains all over your body creeping up to your neck.

In a country a state of emergency, wondering when and where to wander, to escape great waves of the deepest of waters, to trip over sand dunes, to not know where to go or how to get out.

Losing all property, everything you owned deeply drowned too, no trace of anything you once had, all gone, drifted downstream, some upstream, some swirled around in a drain-like hole, a black hole, never to be seen again. All your family photographs gone, all your inheritance property you once cherished not in existence anymore, wondering why to live, where to live, joining the homeless who have no jobs, your job too underground not to be, to be or not to be, do we have a choice?

Asking for charity when we once gave charity, owned a mansion where now we have a pile of garbage, wondering what we did wrong who will help us. After the hype has settled down and no one will help us again, water waves still drowning no evaporation, pools of sewer water no water to drink, radioactive water, it is where you step deep.

Red Cross, Blue Shield, do you have medical insurance? Here is a sleeping bag and a lunch bag, no shelter? Make your home in a Church.  

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


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Loitering on a wooden pier out in the middle of a sea, a Sea of Reeds but without the splitting down the middle of a humungous wave. The splitting of your hairline from right to left or from left to right, or the brushing of your hair back completely with one slapping swipe, one wondrous wave of water that swoops you up to the top of Jacob's ladder and takes you under it again, a wave filled to the brim sloshing with green algae, Ladybugs sucking the blood off green dunes grasses, insect blood like human blood you never saw and did not know existed. Bugs on display under a microscope, Aphids on the beach in a private sword fight with Ladybugs.

Is your doctor a woman or is s/he a man? Does it make a difference? They prescribe the same pills, she swoons as she touches your shoulder and he says he's married, as he tests your heart. Whose heart is pure, his or yours?Wondering why or what, it matters not anyway, people who say they are "great" not "good". 

What is your name and what is the license plate number of your car? Why do you want to know and why should you care? A day goes by and another day goes by... A patient of a doctor who is healthier than his doctor.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Image result for SAILBOAT

Smooth sailing, over a rift, splashing waters, waters underground, waters above, moisture on the skin, a pallet of a mouth wet and tasty, manna falling everyday, manna as white wafers, sugary, creamy, like a bird to open one's mouth and be fed.

A sight for sore eyes to see those unable to eat, eating what they should not be eating, those who eat pure foods being served first, no waiting in line, serviced as if a King or Queen, the red carpet is awaiting, a jester to follow to make one happy, the singing of songs, clanking cymbals, plucking lyres, harps, violins as our babies.

Smooth sailing, clean waters. A sea that is not a Dead Sea, seeing seas and washing oneself, dipping into an ocean like a Dove ice cream bar into dark, smooth, milk chocolate, the purity of natural waters, thickness, a real Mikvah and a real Priestly Blessing. To now relax and enjoy.

White yachts afloat but in the distance, a motor that keeps chugging, a sail to catch even the slightest of a breeze.

"If you drown me, you will be drowned, and those who will drown you will be drowned." [Pirkei Avot]

Floating along, paddling, skimming stones, no statues or images, no photography, the most real of sights, eyes that see reality not in a need of using rose-colored eyeglasses, sights crisp and clear, boats on their way to a Reed Sea, water walls on both sides, actually really parting like the opening of a red carpet in front of you. Freedom as we walk through these Reed Sea walls of water, pureness from rainstorms, pureness from a mikvah not slander on record, never to be erased or deleted. Etched on cement tablets like the Commandments from Moses like these as eternal, a life of reincarnations, souls that never die, not resurrected, instead entering the body and brain of a newborn. "God will fulfill all your desires." [Psalms] 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Image result for who am i

To be born, but why and what and who and how? When?

If and when, to be born with a "calling" to be born a doctor to start at the age of three in one's doctoral studies. To be born an artist so one travels the distance between honoring an image to instead use the written word and become a poet.

To have or not have a family of one's own, your own spouse, your own children.

To have an education, to attempt PhD level. To be a "malamed", an eternal student as you then become a teacher as well as a student.

To wonder who to teach? It is forbidden to teach Torah and to take money, to  instead be a person who teaches Torah and finds other means of funding, but with plenty of free time.

To teach your "children" does not necessarily mean your own kids, it means to teach "students". To also teach Gentiles so the gap and exile-ation lessens and we become "United" as in The United States of America. 

Not to segregate, and/or have sanctification as being separateness to achieve purity. To know and to learn diversity and appreciate others for their differences. To mix colors of skin, religions, education level, ethnicities, to achieve a world of variety, an appreciation and to have knowledge of the life styles of other people who come from other places. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


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The mad rushing of over-sized water waves six to eight feet high of a huge great lake, the Great Lake of Michigan,  splashing dangerous undercurrents, whipping wildly waters to take you under, complete immersion, covered as a fish underneath water, swimming with sharks, dolphins, avoiding the blades of the sharp rotor motor slicing skimming water, nowhere near, legs not to be cut off, scuba diving, oxygen tank on one's back, feeling the sea waters with six senses, not to drown, to float paddle, to be above water, and above ground.

Washed ashore, to grope up a sand bank, find a bottle washed with a message on paper inside, crack the bottle in half, sharp stabbing glass pieces! A message, yes!
Unraveling the paper to find one's fortune. Is this the answer to your wishes? The answer to your desires and plans! What does the secret message in a bottle say?
Simply King David's Psalms: "God will fulfill all your desires...God visits His beloved in their sleep...The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall lack nothing."