Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Feeling the wet water waves one by one crawling over my bare feet and body, cleansing me of trials and tribulations, a lifetime of experiences that stained my heart and soiled my soul, each wave being an apology from those who are at fault, a second chance at cleanliness, at purity, music from the streaming of the wind through the leaves in autumn trees, not screaming or gossiping, not words of impurities, a clean wind and a clean water--all over, sprayed on me, misted on me, splashed on me.

A mikvah is in the air, a body of water with more than 10% natural rain water: water filling tohu, water causing bohu. Waters from the Heavens above, saturating the fired coals on the Earth below, putting out smoke, chasing away ghosts, drowning out all evil; a change has been made, no one gets hurt, the water caresses everyone with G-d's mighty hands and brings comfort to the wounded, solace to the bereaved.

Death and uncertainty follows us like a cloud, a dark ominous thunderstorm cloud, with dense fogginess everywhere to block our vision so we cannot see the goodness, the shadows are too dark. A future that cannot be predicted, a future alone, a future that doubts a G-d, a future that one creates for oneself, a future of wretchedness, a future of a scoffer.

An understanding that one's life becomes holy when the doubting and distrusting ceases, when G-d takes over your life, when you no longer have to prove it, to predict it, to convince or persuade others. A life of complete ease, like a carousel merry-go-round spinning to music, circling to G-d's desires, to affirm the peaceful place in your heart and keep it beating to the sounds of songs, to the sounds of His loving and caring for you and the loved ones in your life. 

Friday, November 20, 2015


Stretching your wings every morning, as a bird does, becoming awake with the projection of the sun streaming through my window, when light touches the body and enters into the eyes, it is the first sign of G-d coming into my life as Ein Sof, Divine light, entering into the retina and bringing instant joy into my life first thing in the morning. Another day alive! Thanks to You G-d. Modah Ani.

Outside my window rushes sea water, greens and blues, chilling in the autumn temperatures, becoming rocky bursting waves in a cold wind, higher the waves come in one after the other, as we realize them all as One. Echad is the result of many separate waves, one after the other, forming one large lake. More than trillions of molecules of H2O as one unit, one body, the joining in a complete total of the skies and the seas: rain, fog, and lake water, a place to go to feel the strength of G-d, to know His awesomeness. To always feel His freedom.

An empty beach, just me strolling back and forth in the sand, coming across seashells and throwing them back into the sea. Skipping stones, and skipping my steps, kicking up billion year old grains of sand, and remembering back that far, to the beginning, to my childhood, to even before them, to the time of Adam and Eve, back to when there were dinosaurs on that beach, and reptiles in the water.

Remembering back to my mother's arms that held me when I was a child, now we are holding her up as she walks with a cane, but is as proud as pudding: a wise elder, wise in years, a rock that has been fossilized, here for eternity.

Throwing oneself back into the sea to dissolve in the water and have eternal life in Paradise. Living forever.

Friday, November 13, 2015


Windy day on the seashore, pull the flaps of your hats over your ears, waves coming in full blast, as if they want to say something to us, to expect something out of the ordinary--they are saying "Shabbat is coming tonight! Shabbat Shalom to you!"

The waves of the sea look bluer than usual, higher they grow, further along the shoreline do they pour, jostling more sand around than usual, an omen, a restful Shabbat is in the coming, we can all rejoice! Splash in our mikvah, swim in the waters, the pure natural waters, coat the body with purity.

Awaiting, approaching, a sunset is coming near us, it is soon to be, in the near future, it is predictable, always happens, it is faithful, we can count on it, a sunset on Shabbat will bring us holiness where there is none, it will bring us what we need. Shabbat is on its way!

Sing loudly! Chant deeper, speak more Hebrew, cast our eyes upon the blue skies, and cherish what we have, cherish that we soon will have more than what we have, we will have Shabbat! It is in the plan, in the works, every week, without fail.

We will all win a restful day, a delightful holy day dedicated to resting, to celebrating, a day when we can be with G-d in His fullest! 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


All of the sea was a stage, a theatre that produced a play for me upon my entrance onto the sandy shoreline, as an audience I saw it all, a movie, a theatrical production as a play, and the seagulls were sitting with me, watching the gladiators, watching a bullfight out in the middle of the lake, jeering it all on, then with one mighty sweep of His powerful mighty arm, G-d swept away all the excitement and there was only peace, all around there was holy peace!

The peace penetrated. The waves came in one by one, each wave singularly alone, followed by its friend, causing a whole unified body of large lake water, no more bullfights, the shininess of the jewel-like treasures underneath the waves were covered with dull sand, the stimulation stopped, the theatre curtains were then drawn closed, and my trip to the beach ended.

A lone gull cawed from the heavens to give one last blast--an end to the play, one long drawn out scream and then the play was over.

I went home with a memory.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Happening upon an angry old sea serpent this morning, but watching G-d destroy it and all its hatred as it is drowned and depleted of its power to strike out and hurt.

To be by a seashore, a blessing indeed, to have the wet natural water waves wash me clean, washing away the hatred of the snake's venom that still drips from my body after an attack, the serpent's fangs still hanging off my skin, but watching it drown and wash away, slithering into hiding, into deep waters, as he breathes in water that drowns out his lungs and eventually coils him up into a hopeless restricted knot.

Seeing the wicked sea serpent banging its body against heavy sharp rocks on the sea's shoreline, bang bang, bang, as each wave thrusts the serpent against another rock's hardness, severing it and beating it.

The Lament of Zion is no more, as I see the sea serpent's dead body float away down the river, scale by scale, its body falling apart and disintegrating into heavy sea water white rapids; dissolved, in existence no more.

Freedom from its hatred and violence.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015


The greatness of waters, the incredibleness of a hot candle flame dowsed by waters, the holiness of a breaker of water as it hits a sandy beach. Water, water, I call to you, to ease my thirstiness, to flow lovingly onto sore muscles, to repeat yourself in music wave after glorious wave, smashing with force onto a beach, or simply moving in with a tide, secretly, slowly, mystically, becoming one with all things, as you drown out evil, you clean it, you are its purity, it's washed in your liquidness, it is dissolved in your wetness.

Water, your sounds beckon me, calling me to your shores. I hear your waves shaking like a maraca, doing a Spanish dance to your waves as I step over them one by one, never drowning, your peacefulness has overcome me with glee, as each molecule of water eases my thirst, drenches parched lips, sweetly gargling to your swishing back and forth on the shoreline.

It is you who I seek, it is you who will purify me. Hyssop and sweet beach water, how I adore you, as everything, you take away all the sins of the world, in your mikvah I am purified, in it I have danced, in it I have splashed, in it I have sung.

Sweetness in waters, are you always.