Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Sunday, December 31, 2017


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How to create your own physical therapy, water flowing shooting like white rapids upon a muscle sore and stiff, to walk into a dance as the water calms the sore muscle and slowly recedes the pain and stiffness.

What be it? Arthritis? Bursitis? Just turned in bed the wrong way? Walked too far? Exercised too much?

What is the cure? More exercise or to rest and not move the muscle instead?

To not concentrate on the pain, instead to concentrate of the relief of pain.

Think of a masseuse's strong rubbing fingers and hands, spraying warm water upon the soreness and causing a soothing feeling which turns a grimace into a smile of happiness, better to be able to greet all who you meet, to greet family as well as friends.

To buy a Jacuzzi to build in your upstairs bathroom, a large warm deep tub, a bon fire under a glistening copper bathtub, heating up swirling waters, shooting pummeling waterfall sprays, a toy water squirt gun targeting your right hip, pain going away, disappearing, feeling easiness after suffering.

Water as a friend, a cleanser and water as a healer. Water to be there as a creation of Adonai, water in lightness or water in darkness, water by candlelight, one or two candles, water that reflects the moon or/and sun, water that is the answer.

The science of Oceanography as you dip your bare foot into water, to love water, to love God Who created water and to thank Him and praise Him because He did it just for you!

To love Him back with all your heart! 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


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Sitting down on a pier with your legs overhanging after skimming rocks on the surface of lake water. The lake water does not disappear in the wintertime, it flows just as fluent as your Hebrew prayers, one prayer after the other, one water wave after the other. The lake being a place to go anytime of the year to whet your bare feet or even just put the palm of your dry hand into the water. The water being a place of conversion or mikvah taking, a place symbolizing the women in the world, goodness, water that cleans.

But what of the accessibility of this mikvah water to you on Christmas, to make sure you take a dip, but in cold water?? Put your right hand into the pureness of this blue sparkling clean natural water and you will be saved. How about that! It is that easy, both The Almighty Lord through the words of Moses said water will change you, as did John the Baptist. You can go either way, but the water is the same. The water was created by God, no one else. Sorry if this is spirituality you may not be able to comprehend, get into the water anyway, even if you cannot comprehend its goodness, the goodness of natural water. Water is not just a summer activity, the devil created Christmas so we would be tempted to worship a false god without the accessibility of natural waters, instead them all being hard as ice.

Yes, the devil is lurking everywhere on Christmas, it is up to you to pray to the true One G-d of Avraham and Sarah, to benign the cancerous idea of a day as Christmas. A day that was created to be the end of goodness, the end of God as we know Him and the beginning of a man who instead is your god.

To pray for all the misguided sheep in the pasture, to pray for a G-d to keep them in His care, a G-d who will give them goodness everlasting even in their ignorance.    

Thursday, December 14, 2017


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December rhymes with "remember". Are we fluent in several languages, can we remember more ways to say Love in many languages spoken around the globe?

If we forgot someone's name, but we remember his face, can we try to get to know him? Are there Jewish prayers we have memorized and sing to ourselves frequently using the words as mantras?

Can we remember stuff that is uncomfortable? PTSD is difficult to forget, can we roll over these memories with forgetfulness to instead remember the good occurrences in our lives? 

Was there something especially wonderful that someone said to you that you appreciated? Can you remember the smile on his face as he spoke to you? 

Are there 613 Commandments that you know and are trying to follow? Are there people who disrespect you because they were never taught the respect in these rules? Respect starts in one's childhood home, the parents need to be respected, if they are not, then they will not respect their own children.

We need to remember that love is there for us even when we are parentless or have no siblings and/or have no pets. The love for us is respectful love, the love for Adonai, especially when our parents are either deceased or in another way unable to give us love. 

What else can we remember this December? To remember being inside the Chapel of a Jewish Temple. To have felt the tzitzit on a tallit, prayer shawl, and to remember to light your Chanukiah Menorah, as it represents life, the disappearance of darkness, nine candles with one Shamash candle. To rest easy at night, to get a full night of sleep after the candles rest easy too, to fully burn down to the wick, a prayer sung each time we light it to enlighten our own Jewish spirituality.

The trees outside are formed like Menorahs, branches like candle arms burning in ecstasy! Never forget the warmth of this love from your Menorah candle flames, and the word in Hebrew as "ahavah" which means Love in English.

Love and Light Forever.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Image result for one good turn does another

Have you ever been the victim of theft? Or just to lose something and not be able to find it, someone found it and kept it, did not put it in the lost and found? Was there an error, and no one is to blame, but you are nevertheless at a loss of your property and it cannot recouped.

Have you ever then found property, just after you lost property, and had the opportunity to steal it or report it, and the feeling of revenge tries to turn you into a bad person, instead of a good person, which you were before your personal property was snatched.

A devil saying to you, "Do unto others as they have done unto you." But to realize it is actually: "Do unto others as you wish to be done unto you". It's one GOOD turn deserves another, not one's BAD turn deserves another.

Items missing on your end, but pride and goodness as the ultimate result in the judging of your character as you continue to find and return items, not stealing them, even though you yourself was robbed.

Wishing all the world could be as good as you are.

Monday, November 20, 2017


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Who are you? You are exactly just how you were and are now, not a change, wave after wave of water, different molecules in each wave of water, but still all water, water is water, each bubble of water comprised of similar cells, some living some not. Will water change you? Beavers like water and build their homes in water and clean their hands in water, beavers are from the rat family. Hands so dirty that even water with soap will not clean them. Are you rinsing off the sins from your hands, and then saying you committed no sins and are clean and good?

Jane Austen, never read her but pride is arrogance as puffed up as a Parrot fish. Said to be too good to eat pork, that because "they" say don't eat it, to not eat it. Who are they, and what is pork. Pork is a meat from the friendliest animal in existence. People own pigs as pets and they are known to be very affectionate pets, very true and loving. What are you eating when you eat pork? You are eating an understanding of the troubles of the poor and oppressed, and then developing loving-kindness for them instead of making them your customer and then ripping them off of money they do not have. Just go into the "red" and buy, buy, buy.

To go back to the piglet and to chew up meat to stay pure. The pork will cleanse your body and your mind, keep your soul pure, and it will save you from wickedness.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


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What is water? Water is H2O. It is a combination of electrons that bounce from level to level with protons and neutrons. Water is transparent not translucent, the state of being in translucency is for lunatics, blurring what you see because you are not qualified to see it, when water is translucent it is because it is filthy dirty. Go ahead imagine what you cannot see, imagine a sea that you see when you come to terms with the fact that the Red Sea when you see it, the Sea of "Reeds," never split and no one was drowned in it when the waves folded, even tsunamis realistically cannot perform this impossibility.

A Red Sea, a sea colored red, okay, there are iron deposits on its shore that ooze into the water and color it red, scientifically explainable. Red being the color of the suite of Santa Claus, not as red kosher wine, or the blood of an enemy. Mineral deposits all along the shores, not just of the Red Sea, many seas and seashores everywhere.

Oil? Your cooking olive oil will not feed your car vehicle to function, it is not olive oil we need, but instead Black Gold, not a wig of gold-ish blonde on someone's head, but Black Gold being the oil underground located in the neighborhoods of Jordan, Israel being surrounded by good Arab neighbors who own oil wells and they wish to share it. Who to sell it to and how much in quantity and for how much money? This is entirely the owner's choice.

Who actually has the power here, not braggarts of this power, just tilling oil everyday, like clockwork.

Is your gas tank full? Winter is coming and you'll need a full tank so the ice condensation does not freeze in your gas tank.

Happy Seasons Greetings Travels!!! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017


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Fuller Brush salesmen, wanting to take a piece of the cake, not frosting on this cake for them, so-called missionaries who are not on our same mission, a blah blah organization with an open purse for you to fill it, telling you that you need them, but our languages are not the same, forked tongues with which they speak, your mouthful is full of Mother's milk and there is no room for you in your fried Chinese rice for locusts to eat with or without a fork, spoon or chopsticks.

A spoonful of love from the rain outside as you extend your tongue out of your mouth to catch a cool raindrop, a real raindrop made of real water, no chlorine, no bleach, no detergent, not to say it is water when instead it is wine.

Open purses like mouths forcing make-believe stories for you to memorize, can you curl your tongue, can you swallow?

Time for a bedtime story? Only if the ending is "...and we all lived happily ever after. Amen."

Wednesday, October 18, 2017



Waving your arms to and fro up and down, back and forth as you stand on the edge of a tropical island after a hurricane become a tsunami, wondering where to get help, if to be a helicopter, need to be scooped up and taken to dry land. Praying for rain to wet a harvest and instead drowned in a pool, a pool of quicksand, buried up to the neck in soupy sands of quick not slow, feeling the grains all over your body creeping up to your neck.

In a country a state of emergency, wondering when and where to wander, to escape great waves of the deepest of waters, to trip over sand dunes, to not know where to go or how to get out.

Losing all property, everything you owned deeply drowned too, no trace of anything you once had, all gone, drifted downstream, some upstream, some swirled around in a drain-like hole, a black hole, never to be seen again. All your family photographs gone, all your inheritance property you once cherished not in existence anymore, wondering why to live, where to live, joining the homeless who have no jobs, your job too underground not to be, to be or not to be, do we have a choice?

Asking for charity when we once gave charity, owned a mansion where now we have a pile of garbage, wondering what we did wrong who will help us. After the hype has settled down and no one will help us again, water waves still drowning no evaporation, pools of sewer water no water to drink, radioactive water, it is where you step deep.

Red Cross, Blue Shield, do you have medical insurance? Here is a sleeping bag and a lunch bag, no shelter? Make your home in a Church.  

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


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Loitering on a wooden pier out in the middle of a sea, a Sea of Reeds but without the splitting down the middle of a humungous wave. The splitting of your hairline from right to left or from left to right, or the brushing of your hair back completely with one slapping swipe, one wondrous wave of water that swoops you up to the top of Jacob's ladder and takes you under it again, a wave filled to the brim sloshing with green algae, Ladybugs sucking the blood off green dunes grasses, insect blood like human blood you never saw and did not know existed. Bugs on display under a microscope, Aphids on the beach in a private sword fight with Ladybugs.

Is your doctor a woman or is s/he a man? Does it make a difference? They prescribe the same pills, she swoons as she touches your shoulder and he says he's married, as he tests your heart. Whose heart is pure, his or yours?Wondering why or what, it matters not anyway, people who say they are "great" not "good". 

What is your name and what is the license plate number of your car? Why do you want to know and why should you care? A day goes by and another day goes by... A patient of a doctor who is healthier than his doctor.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


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Smooth sailing, over a rift, splashing waters, waters underground, waters above, moisture on the skin, a pallet of a mouth wet and tasty, manna falling everyday, manna as white wafers, sugary, creamy, like a bird to open one's mouth and be fed.

A sight for sore eyes to see those unable to eat, eating what they should not be eating, those who eat pure foods being served first, no waiting in line, serviced as if a King or Queen, the red carpet is awaiting, a jester to follow to make one happy, the singing of songs, clanking cymbals, plucking lyres, harps, violins as our babies.

Smooth sailing, clean waters. A sea that is not a Dead Sea, seeing seas and washing oneself, dipping into an ocean like a Dove ice cream bar into dark, smooth, milk chocolate, the purity of natural waters, thickness, a real Mikvah and a real Priestly Blessing. To now relax and enjoy.

White yachts afloat but in the distance, a motor that keeps chugging, a sail to catch even the slightest of a breeze.

"If you drown me, you will be drowned, and those who will drown you will be drowned." [Pirkei Avot]

Floating along, paddling, skimming stones, no statues or images, no photography, the most real of sights, eyes that see reality not in a need of using rose-colored eyeglasses, sights crisp and clear, boats on their way to a Reed Sea, water walls on both sides, actually really parting like the opening of a red carpet in front of you. Freedom as we walk through these Reed Sea walls of water, pureness from rainstorms, pureness from a mikvah not slander on record, never to be erased or deleted. Etched on cement tablets like the Commandments from Moses like these as eternal, a life of reincarnations, souls that never die, not resurrected, instead entering the body and brain of a newborn. "God will fulfill all your desires." [Psalms] 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


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To be born, but why and what and who and how? When?

If and when, to be born with a "calling" to be born a doctor to start at the age of three in one's doctoral studies. To be born an artist so one travels the distance between honoring an image to instead use the written word and become a poet.

To have or not have a family of one's own, your own spouse, your own children.

To have an education, to attempt PhD level. To be a "malamed", an eternal student as you then become a teacher as well as a student.

To wonder who to teach? It is forbidden to teach Torah and to take money, to  instead be a person who teaches Torah and finds other means of funding, but with plenty of free time.

To teach your "children" does not necessarily mean your own kids, it means to teach "students". To also teach Gentiles so the gap and exile-ation lessens and we become "United" as in The United States of America. 

Not to segregate, and/or have sanctification as being separateness to achieve purity. To know and to learn diversity and appreciate others for their differences. To mix colors of skin, religions, education level, ethnicities, to achieve a world of variety, an appreciation and to have knowledge of the life styles of other people who come from other places. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


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The mad rushing of over-sized water waves six to eight feet high of a huge great lake, the Great Lake of Michigan,  splashing dangerous undercurrents, whipping wildly waters to take you under, complete immersion, covered as a fish underneath water, swimming with sharks, dolphins, avoiding the blades of the sharp rotor motor slicing skimming water, nowhere near, legs not to be cut off, scuba diving, oxygen tank on one's back, feeling the sea waters with six senses, not to drown, to float paddle, to be above water, and above ground.

Washed ashore, to grope up a sand bank, find a bottle washed with a message on paper inside, crack the bottle in half, sharp stabbing glass pieces! A message, yes!
Unraveling the paper to find one's fortune. Is this the answer to your wishes? The answer to your desires and plans! What does the secret message in a bottle say?
Simply King David's Psalms: "God will fulfill all your desires...God visits His beloved in their sleep...The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall lack nothing."

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


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Do you have a tune in your head that is going around and around, a musical thoughtful experience, a lively stimulating thread of words, new words, a new song, a song you never heard anywhere else but only in your mind?

The Psalms and The 613 Commandments tell us two ideas, for each of us to write our own Torah, and for us to write our own song, a new song, a song we create ourselves.

How to find the beat? Can you start off by humming and then by tapping your feet, tapping your fingers on a table, fingernail after fingernail, as like on a piano, even a player piano with a beat that never fails. We are to clang together cymbals and play the lyre. Instead of this, we can video ourselves and upload the movie on YouTube.

A new song, tropes as in the tropes of the Hebrew language, calling to God to help you pronounce each word, words that are holy Words, as we say in Hebrew, D'varim.

Call to God and ask Him to put the Words into your mouth, so His Words become your Words, and the songs to become new and creative, lively or meditative.

Strumming on your guitar like she is a woman, the guitar being a body, creating song with her body, the body could be The Shekinah, The YAH, The feminine entity of the Hebrew Goddess, a guitar song that is joyous or too that weeps.

Loving new songs, new poetry in the songs, like a newborn baby, a song could put the baby to sleep, a song that sings as a lullaby, a soothing song. A song that never ends...

Monday, September 25, 2017


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A swimming lake soon to become a lake on which to skate, round and round, a time for an entire family of The Bobbsey Twins, The Brady Bunch, to play hockey, spinning thick black rubber pucks back and forth hitting them against cracking screeching hockey sticks, flashing like lightening, the speed of light and sound, smashing into a hockey goal net, so fast in its speed it cannot ever be stopped, generation after generation, more and more, eternally. 

A goalie swinging his padded arm up as in a catch, but not in the nick of time, a goal won by the opposing team, the numbers of winning points excelling, a game turned into a life's endeavor, we play the game of life to help us and others to enjoy ourselves, to have a beautiful day everyday, to have fun, yes, but mostly to win, definitely, we know we can win, with WON that is also spelled ONE, as in ONE God to worship so life does not become a mess of massive confusion, only one God, one life in present day, one reincarnation after the other one, one LOVE, being God as He rests inside your body and brain, and of course, in our hearts.

Who to love? Love yourself as you were created in the image of God, as you love God, you love You. To look into your mirror on your wall and to see God looking back at you, whether your eyes are a dove's deep dark brown, or whether they are a bright blue or hazel green.

Have a beautiful day to celebrate your existence with God and all the colors of the rainbow as the world's flags fly high in the sky, from all nations, nations everywhere, two thousand universes, believe it or not, all under just ONE God, a loving God Who is capable of Everything. All you have to do is ask.

Friday, September 15, 2017


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Lonely? Even alone in a crowd, looking around for a friendly face? Can you instead be that friendly face? Is there someone who needs attention who you see might want to strike up a conversation? Do people miss you and tell you they miss you when you are not there?

Is there a task you are committed to do everyday, something you love and something that invites others to love you? Do it everyday whether or not you are verbally encouraged to do it by others.

When you are involved in this task, can you summon the Lord to be with you and to guide you, so His Words become your Words. Are you are writer or artist or actor? God is there for us to take hold of His hand, to be our leader, putting you at the head not tail, He is your Leader and you become a leader of humanity this way.

Be at the top, not at the bottom. Eat meat from the front of the bull not the back. As you eat leave a morsel of food on your plate for God to eat. Sing, yes sing, to God, a song of thankfulness for your meal. Sing before and after you eat. God loves song and He will feed you more and more the more you sing.

Want someone to talk to? Talk to God. Say "Hello, Hi, Greetings, Dear God..." He is waiting for you and He awoke you in the morning just so you could accompany Him all day long.

Eat salads and meditate? Where do you think you are? On top of Mount Sinai? Imagine that. Climbing a mountain without your feet and taking  a rest, a meditation, without an airplane to a get away.

And of course, we must thank God, thank Him for never leaving you. Praise Him for holding on to your hand and loving you. And of course, love Him back.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


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To be on a seashore and to observe hundreds of yachts drifting around upside down, on their side like the death of great white sharks and whales, alligators, swamp snakes.

Million dollar property destroyed, not saleable, victims of two hurricanes, people who once were owners and givers now being in need of charity and donations for the poor, the homeless. They are now the poor and homeless, the tide came in, it simply changed. 

You once complained of cold winter weather in Chicago? Changed your mind now as the seasons and weather temperature in Chicago changes from hot to cold and from cold to hot? Not bored anymore, not predictable, no hurricanes that hit Chicago, ever? God moving around shifting from side to side in bed as He views all our circumstances and allows the righteous to have and the wicked to have not.

God killed those in Sodom and Gomorrah and now it is Miami Florida, Cuba, Puerto Rico, The Caribbean Islands, etc. We asked God to save 50 or 40...10, and so we hope to have survivors of this victimization, we now have billionaires who are without anything in a line to get a sip of fresh drinking water. A man who owned a fleet of yachts, but who cannot swim, being rescued from flood waters the same as his servants. Remember it is women and children first, the captain goes down with his ship. Ever see a fat yacht captain sailing close to the shore to show off? Doing a belly dance with a glass of liquor surrounded by beautiful young women like Herod? Did you curse his arrogance and wickedness under your breath being in sync instead with the needs of the poor, in sympathy with the man who polishes those yachts.

Now we are seeing the boats tossed about as sea wrecks, with giant holes ripped into them like were in the Titanic.

Never even been on a yacht in your life to begin with? But your doctor owned one? You did not miss much, a few sharks, deadly water undercurrents, a motorized engine with sharp blades swirling around to cut off your legs.

We are told to give to those who voted for politicians to lower taxes of money for the poor. What comes around goes around.

How easily one can lose everything.

And when it is lost it cannot be recouped. You once had all the electronic gadgets ever sold on the market? You just wanted what your neighbor had looking over the backyard fence at his greener grass? Now, what do you have and what do you not have and what does he have/not?

You have Psalm 23: "The Lord is my Shepherd therefore I lack nothing..." 

Thursday, September 7, 2017



Meditation. Calming, soothing, serene, easiness, thoughtfulness, wondering, mind-wandering, wishful, rhythmical, breathing in and out in unison, slightly moving one leg and then another, tap tap tap, a drumming of one's heel to the ground, and then the other heel.

Opening one's eyes one and then the other, closing both eyes, a Shin on one's forehead, Shin of Shekinah, Shekinah of Shema. Shem meaning "name" in Hebrew, an added "ah" to feminize it. To talk to Ha'Shem, to pray to "The Name". A Name of a Female, an "ah" at the end. A mother-figure, you yourself, if you are female. To pray to your Motherly spirit, the Cho-achma. The Hebrew word Cho-ach'ma meaning wisdom. The wise and knowledgeable coming forth from water and fire, water and fire elements as women (water) and men (fire). To feel them both as your strength, your stronghold.

To use a mantra as you meditate, a word or sound or just a syllable, to ease your consciousness, to be conscientious.

To feel your blood circulating in your muscles, to be in touch with the organs in your torso, to feel your heart gently predictably rhythmically pumping, all the blood together, mixed, around and around like delicious cake batter in a bowl, tasting sweetly upon your tongue. 

To concentrate on an image, or a word, a Word of The Torah. To know what "Chesed" is. Chesed is the Hebrew word for lovingkindness. To feel the Chesed of your parents, of your loved ones, of your family, extended family, cousins and more cousins, your audience, your cheerers, many who count on you, many who are there for you, even more as you remember them in your meditation. 

Not strange to meditate. Only strange if you allow it to be strange. Hebrew Torah Word meditation to take you up into the highest of heights. 

Climbing Jacob's Ladder into Heaven and never sliding down. But to be grounded in the stability of the moving scale of justice as it balances, naturally, in a soft simple ease of a breeze.   

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


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Water and Fire and Earth and Air, which is greater which is more powerful, which is more useful? How do they relate to each other? Can they exist without each other?

Spit fire, a fiery flame, a Shabbat candle and a Havdalah candle, a spark that became a forest fire, a scrape of a flint of an Indian's arrowhead, Vulcan, hot heated horrific, a passionate severing countenance, fire in one's cat eyes, fire in one's heart, burning with green envy, red blue and yellow, orange-ish white bursts of crackling sky blue lightening, a stubborn fire that cannot and will not be snubbed.

What can we use to keep fire under control? Yes! Water, and earth. Without air a fire cannot rage either. Throwing buckets of water and earth on a fire to destroy it. Turning a river around into a mountainous volcano, lava that is the dirtiness of earth on fire, killing the jealous red lava fire, water over fire, water as an ease to one's thirst.

But what of fire to toast our bread or roast our meat? Needing to catch a fish to eat, a fish out of water, out into air.

Giving someone fiery direct eye contact, a tiger's eye, a glare, a penetrating retina, eye to eye, never letting go, never removing one's reasons to see, to hear, to taste, to smell, to feel, to breathe.

Water to break through a high walled dam, crashing bricks, a wall no more, dissolving and mixing, shooting a squirt gun, drowning an idea, kicking a water balloon. Splash! Water atop of fire that kills fire, drowns it, to water the garden of an envious gaze, not to covet your neighbor's green grass, to grow vegetables and to add water to yeast for leavened bread.

An airy nothingness a breeze blowing by, a whisper, a flow, a whistle, a wonder, an inside sucking with two cheeks full, an air balloon, a soap bubble, kid's flying kites higher than the sun.

What is the philosophy behind the existence of water and fire and earth and air?

They all need each other and cannot exist solely without the other. They must be submerged converged as One, ALL together, together-ness, Oneness, in complete stability, predictability but with the unpredictability of a Mother Nature: One Echad, created by One Adonai, One God, One as a Mother with a Father. 1+1=1

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


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The raindrops you feel and the mist in the air, the dew drops on the leaves of vegetation in your backyard, the moistness on your fingertips, living a few blocks away from the Sea of Reeds, where is this sea? The great Nile, the great Lake Michigan, the clouds of water in the sky, slowly moving then quickly moving, winds everywhere, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, thunderstorms, even just a momentary sprinkling, open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Catch these water droplets and taste them, to catch sweetness upon your tongue, to taste it and to love it.

To be at a beach, a place filled with natural grains of chipped ground rock that becomes sand granules. To feel the ancientness of these sands, how old do you think they are? Blown away in the wind, sand that is over a billion years old. Want to celebrate a birthday, celebrate the birthday of the sands you are standing upon.

Blow out the candle every Havdalah, end of Shabbat. Something to look forward to everyday. A walk, a stroll, a skip, a movement forward as the sands take us back thousands, millions, billions of years. Yes, you have a history, the same as these sands. A real history of a family tree that goes back into ancient times. Related to a Prophet in The Torah, or to Noach. Yep, we all go back that far, deeply rooted in the stories of the past, and we live now and will continue to live through our spirit after we die. 

Friday, August 4, 2017


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A sandstorm, with harsh cruel silver lightening flashes, waters gushing forth from clouds above, rain like diamonds as hailstones cutting like pocket knives into the bodies of cars and trucks, gouging a hole into someone's head, catching hail like baseballs with a mit, golf balls, slicing splitting things in half, running with no site to take shelter.

The freezing-ness of a hailstorm, ice crystals, small snowmen, cold blasts and windstorm, sand picking up on the shoreline, lake waters rippling like sheaves of hay thrown everywhere, a harvest of broken bread, bread dipped dumped, escalated skated, open mouths with no one being fed, slipping on icy pavement as you try to get under a tree, trees falling trees not to be worshiped, not a Christmas tree, not an old Oak or Maple, idols all.

Calling to God to safely take you out of this sandstorm, to protect your property your car your household, a time to know that all are targeted as was Sodom and Gemorrah, God said all must go, all must drown or burn except for Lot and his family. No choices, dust blown away, God did not save 100, or 75 or 50, even though there could have been more than one good soul. 

The wearing of black clothing after destruction, phoenixes appearing out of the dust, people without shoes, slippers, a place to hide, a place warm without ice, a place to quench thirst, a place welcoming after a sickness of a sandstorm.

Bomb shelters all filled up, the coast is clear, look upwards no rockets, a sky not lighted up, a firework of celebration not a missile. Opening shelter doors, back to work, no one killed, a Wizard of Oz who returns us all home, a Wizard Who came out to disclose Himself, saying Who He really is is God. 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017



Are you a swimmer or are you afraid to swim? Can you float or dog paddle the water with your legs, use a float or surfboard or life preserver to keep your head above water? Do you know enough not to swim when the waves are too high and are too dangerous to swim in? What about this awesome ugly undercurrent that is responsible for swimming deaths.

In the Pirkei Avot, the holy Jewish book, Our Ancestors, it teaches us "If someone drowns you, someone will then drown him, and whosever drowns him will be drowned."

So, this great awesome lake becomes a dreaded mysterious enemy, a place where people are drowned. These undercurrents being the reason why.

Are you a daredevil and do not know enough to come out of the rain? Have you a motorcycle in your garage, or even a bicycle? No helmet? No red or yellow blinking lights or rear view mirror? Do you go out late at night alone, and even the rats cannot keep you inside?

Play the game according to the rules. Stay home at night, do not swim in a thunderstorm, do not ride a motorcycle or bicycle with or without a helmet. Do not travel alone on the road. If there is no reason to be out, then be inside instead. If you are female without male companionship, you must advocate for yourself, being knowledgeable enough to come inside from the rain, and to convince others that you are smart enough to do this.

Not needing male counter partnerships, obeying the rules and not abusing the night and its effects on your safety, convince others that you do not need your own rulebook, that you are intelligent and caring enough not to worry people over your comings and goings.

Catching pneumonia or sinus infections, even just the common cold. No, there is no cure for the common cold or other infections, antibiotics do not cure all ailments. Be sure to baby yourself and get well, without others needing to care give you. Stay home, stay warm, not to get overly warm in hot summer weather days. Not to pretend you are a lost dog, a lost puppy without a place towards home.

To be able to accept the worry of others and thank them but show them as a living example that you are living a responsible lifestyle.    

Sunday, July 16, 2017


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Wading your bare feet in moving natural lake waters, some days it is warm and other days it is cold. Some days the waves are high and some days the waves are low. Some days there is froth and some days not.

Stones getting wedged in between your toes, water sticking sand onto your feet, rough tough grainy sand to take off with a washcloth. Tongs on your feet so the soles do not burn. Walking on dreadfully hot sands, dune grass slicing but you try to avoid it.

Listening as hard as you can for the call of the seagulls, seagulls becoming turtledoves, birds from The Torah, flying in command of the entire lake like diving pilots dipping for fish to carry away in their beaks, to feed themselves and their young. Rabbi said that seagulls are reincarnated Levites. Webbed feet they dance on piers and on the shoreline. A Friday night Shabbat dance, whooping and screeching, the dust flies up and the waters swoosh.

A mikvah in 100% natural waters. Nothing like it anywhere, the body and souls are cleansed.

Changing from being a Black Raven to becoming a White Dove of Peace.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Image result for meditation in lake waters

The Promise, Covenant of our Lord that He would never flood the Earth again as He did when Noach built his Ark to save the animal kingdom and humans, humans are we all descended from Noach, his family, he is all of our ancestor. What are these rains that we were promised never to happen again?

The rains of the rainiest weather ever, lugging and pulling huge heavy sandbags to pile up one over the other, to stop the flow of water that without sand would not stop. Like camels carrying these bags, one on each hump, tossing them to stop a flood. Flood waters that are voracious, an army of shellfish to provoke us to eat, dams we build like beavers with buckteeth, logs over logs, floating logs, chewed up logs, one log over the other, dams breaking as waves appear with a massive gust of wind, beavers drowning, waters again covering the Earth dams or no dams, damn it. Basements filling up with water, seeping through cracks in the foundations of the house through cement, pipes from the city outside forcing its way through your house pipes, sewer water, a back up of flooding waters everywhere, your backyard and front yards like rivers, boats going from house to house to rescue, to save human lives and property. Trees uprooted floating and slamming into home walls, climbing up on top of roofs swinging onto helicopters into hospitals.

To find a plastic floating surfboard, to float on our backs, to wait until the sun warms the Earth enough to solidify the waters to then become dust, sand everywhere, sandy soil, no more wading waters, waters that are just enough to drink and bathe.

Normalcy again in little ponds that become puddles, walking through water on rocks that are visible, barefooted, small splashes, no need to build another Ark as a houseboat, fountains to cup our hands, to wash our hands, to sip water again to remain hydrated.

The Covenant upheld, flooded waters dried up, multi-colored rainbows appearing everywhere you look, His signature to us the rains decrease and then are no more, a drink to life, a rainbow and a drink. Thank you, G-D, for again fulfilling Your Promise.

Monday, July 10, 2017


Image result for meditation in lake waters

The sloshing around with bare feet in the sands just at the tip of the shoreline, water coming rushing in, exploding like 4th of July fireworks, splashing onto your feet up to your ankles and the next wave to splash onto your knees whetting your pants you pulled up to try to save and remain dry, but droplets everywhere, dryness not, moisture on your lips and legs, water surfing on each wave without a surfboard.

Sinking lower and lower into a pool of sand like quicksand but not, in your imagination you must avoid sinking too low, stretching your legs out of the sand, sinking them again into the sand where another wave splashes. How to escape the waves and water? Everywhere is water, but with the thirst of the mouth craving to be relieved as you lick your lips.
Success from stones becoming harmless pebbles from the sandy  grainy shore sticking to the bottoms of your bareness of feet in between your toes, shaking off, soles of your bare feet becoming two souls within your body on a Saturday, two souls  that are inside of you which occurs on the Sabbath, as you cleanse your feet and sing blessings to praise and thank G-D for everything.

To be proud of your heritage of Davidic and Levi Lineage as your feet usurp slurping lake purity waters, praying and wishing, swishing, moving around with 100% natural mikvah waters, a way to cleanse yourself everyday of the week even when you have not disobeyed a law of purity.

Why do some people shun meditation dissing it as strange, uncommon, not real, out of the ordinary? I think everyone should at least try meditation and try to find some peace in this natural way to ease the mind and relax the body. Gandhi was not the only one in the world who tried and liked meditation. This meditation is a way to a better world for all of us.

As each wave of water caresses your feet and ankles becoming a friend as you meditate on The Lord, you will be able to feel a peace so soothing like none other.

Hello G-D, we are with you, dipping in mikvah waters or not, to beckon to You The Lord to help us, calling to our deceased parent(s) to help us too.

Hashkiveinu, Adonai! [Help us, G-D!] We are with You, please remain with us as we adorn You.