What did the Hebrew people desire and ask of Gd to provide them? Not meat, but fish!
Raining fishes, all kinds, all colors, red and blue, orange and green, yellow and white. Scales or no scales. Fish without scales however are not Kosher fish. For a fish to be Kosher fish it must have scales and fins.
The porpoise fish is the most intelligent fish of all fishes, the most intelligent mammal. Zookeepers throwing them fish that they jump up and catch it in their mouths. The porpoise has no scales and therefore is not a Kosher fish, and should not be eaten. The Whale also is without scales and therefore is not Kosher and should not be eaten.
Tuna containing the metal mercury in their bodies, a chemical that causes its eater to develop Dementia. To eat Tuna only a few times a year. Not to overdo it!
To buy fillets or pieces, pieces costing less in stores. Fillets costing more, you pay for the glory.
How to catch fish? The homeless being great fishermen, lines thrown off piers, worms on the end, waiting with this bait for a tug, bait that looks like flies.
One fish two fish red fish blue fish. Taught by Dr. Seuss as kids how to survive, to have enough foods, trips to forests to eat Plantain and Dandelion weeds, bitter, to marinate it in vinegar overnight. Roasted potatoes in a bon fire, the potatoes dug and buried under the fire to reach the hottest of coals. Wrapped in tin foil.
A decorated fish on the dining table at a Bar Mitzvah. Cucumber slices pierced with toothpicks to lay over the fish's skin, scales removed. Skin of cucumbers also removed, green, pealed.
Stuffed White Fish, scarce, not in most stores, the best of fish, not fishy tasting, not bitter, but instead pure in its whiteness, filled with breaded stuffing. Not to eat rare fish, Sushi not for she or he. Eels? No thank you. Shellfish? Not Kosher. Low in vitamin calcium? Do not take oyster shell calcium supplements, too a non-Kosher food. The oyster is a shellfish! Not to take Glucosamine for sore stiff knee joints. It is made from sharks, another non-Kosher fish! No scales.
To eat of the peaceful animals. How to become peaceful? Not to trim your toenails on the same day you trim your fingernails. Trim your toenails on Thursdays and your fingernails on Fridays. To cut them to not feel warlike, to do this just before Shabbat. To on Shabbat feel peaceful, with no fingernail weapons. No Sharks, no Catfish. No Swordfish. Vegan? Sounds good to me. No murdering of any animal, no animal slaughtered. Vegan is Kosher.
Fish for dinner? My Dad got nightmares when he would eat fish on Fridays. I developed an allergy to shellfish when I started to study Torah. Studied children's books like "Green Eggs and Ham". To only eat eggs that are not fertile. Fertile eggs from a chicken are not Kosher. How to tell a fertile egg from a non-fertile egg? A fertile egg has a spot of blood on the outside of the yolk.
Yes, fish, like gefilte fish and lox with bagels are approved fish. They are clean fish, good fish, holy fish. When fish are inspected by Rabbis, they are truly wonderful treats to fill you up! One fish two fish, crimson fish purple fish! Fish with pink polka dots!
Going fishing? Yep! To the Great Lake Michigan. To be a great person because you eat great foods! Fish is for everyone! You are what you eat.
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