What is that smell? I smell a smell and my nose tickles, is it an allergy to smells, specific smells, an allergy to the bleach in a washing detergent, the smell on one's clothes, the actual substance of soap on one's body transferred from the soap and causing discomfort? Do we need these smells like a smelling salt necessary to keep us awake? To spread the perfume on one's wrists? Not to tattoo your wrist, instead to remember never to hurt your wrist, it must smell good so you remember not to mess with it!!
An allergy to flowers, pollen, the orange powdery stuff on the inside of the blossom. This powder being inside the perfume directly from the blossom. A smell that is nice or a smell that is noxious. To be caught in a trap with a smell on one's wrist that is a noxious smell. You thought it would be nice, a good smell, but it bit you back when you fell into its trap!
Dry clean-only clothing. What kind of soap? It costs $6.00 at a dry cleaning shop to clean a pleated skirt. Do you have a wardrobe of dry cleaning-only clothes that you cannot clean at home in your laundry machines? What good are these clothes, they become dirty and smelly (a bad smell) and you cannot wear them! You can smother them with perfume, but then this perfume is noxious and so this is not good.
Can you smell moth balls from across the room? Someone wearing clothes not cleaned instead being from storage and fuming a fume of these moth balls. The next day she wears a thick sweater and it smells of perfume, a smell to knock you over!! A smell not as flowers but instead like a pepper gun. To sniff the air in the entire room and it smells of her. Her and her perfumes. She is not rich enough to clean (dry) her clothes. So we end up praying for fresh air early in the morning. Praying for her to wash her clothes. She thinking she looks good and smells good. But flooring everyone in the room. Meaning falling on a floor when you sniff this stuff!
What can we do if we are in this situation? Do we just walk out and not come back? Can we get her to walk out and never come back? Her sword is her perfume and our shield is The L-rd. What does the L-rd say to do? If you open your mouth and breathe through your mouth not from your nose, you will not smell the smell. The smelling glands are in the nose not mouth. Breathe deeply and this never allows anyone to pollute your air, ever. The air seeming fresh like lake air or ocean air as you open your mouth to not smell these perfumed poisons.
In control when you think you have no control over the situation? Not so. If you ask her not to wear this perfume and she says "no" you have a choice to not smell it. She is unarmored and you have clean air even though she thinks you don't.
Breathe in deeply happily just as though you are in a scent of fresh air. Thank Gd for His advice.
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