Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


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Warming up outside springtime in the air. Radiant sun's shining upon a mountain, a sand dune, dune buggies not strollers, canoes, not yachts, kayaking. Brilliance in reflections as the boats fly by not leaving the ground, skimming the surface like flat smooth thrown stones. 

Grounded, sure-footed, hiking, skipping, hitting a tether-ball, boxing in a ring. "Don't step on the crack it'll break your Mother's back!" A helping hand. Up from a chair, a Godly Goal, an Athlete with Tennis Shoes. 

Lakes' drops of greenish-bluish water, not green, not blue: Turquoise. Turkeys poised; not poison. Thankful on Thanksgiving Day.

Splashing water fiercely out of anger! California gold mining gold nuggets stream waters shake your pan, shake out sand and find the gold. Beach combing bottle cap tops. California Gold Rush. Filtering gold from sand. Buried treasure. Treasure maps. Message in a bottle afloat.

Gold teeth gold is gone. Teeth are gone. Mined with an intellectual Mind. Golden Castles, Tower after Tower. Mansions on sides of Mountains. Gasoline gushing!

Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your Golden Hair!! Climbing up Golden locks. Rivers, dams. Lox for Lunch but calling it "Brunch". English Tea Time. Big Teas little teas. English words. How many languages do you know? 

What do you teach? Torah? A pocketful of Posy! Not picking pockets. Rich in Riches because "We Lack Nothing." [Psalm 23]

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


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What is that smell? I smell a smell and my nose tickles, is it an allergy to smells, specific smells, an allergy to the bleach in a washing detergent, the smell on one's clothes, the actual substance of soap on one's body transferred from the soap and causing discomfort? Do we need these smells like a smelling salt necessary to keep us awake? To spread the perfume on one's wrists? Not to tattoo your wrist, instead to remember never to hurt your wrist, it must smell good so you remember not to mess with it!! 

An allergy to flowers, pollen, the orange powdery stuff on the inside of the blossom. This powder being inside the perfume directly from the blossom. A smell that is nice or a smell that is noxious. To be caught in a trap with a smell on one's wrist that is a noxious smell. You thought it would be nice, a good smell, but it bit you back when you fell into its trap! 

Dry clean-only clothing. What kind of soap? It costs $6.00 at a dry cleaning shop to clean a pleated skirt. Do you have a wardrobe of dry cleaning-only clothes that you cannot clean at home in your laundry machines? What good are these clothes, they become dirty and smelly (a bad smell) and you cannot wear them! You can smother them with perfume, but then this perfume is noxious and so this is not good. 

Can you smell moth balls from across the room? Someone wearing clothes not cleaned instead being from storage and fuming a fume of these moth balls. The next day she wears a thick sweater and it smells of perfume, a smell to knock you over!! A smell not as flowers but instead like a pepper gun. To sniff the air in the entire room and it smells of her. Her and her perfumes. She is not rich enough to clean (dry) her clothes. So we end up praying for fresh air early in the morning. Praying for her to wash her clothes. She thinking she looks good and smells good. But flooring everyone in the room. Meaning falling on a floor when you sniff this stuff!  

What can we do if we are in this situation? Do we just walk out and not come back? Can we get her to walk out and never come back? Her sword is her perfume and our shield is The L-rd. What does the L-rd say to do? If you open your mouth and breathe through your mouth not from your nose, you will not smell the smell. The smelling glands are in the nose not mouth. Breathe deeply and this never allows anyone to pollute your air, ever. The air seeming fresh like lake air or ocean air as you open your mouth to not smell these perfumed poisons. 

In control when you think you have no control over the situation? Not so. If you ask her not to wear this perfume and she says "no" you have a choice to not smell it. She is unarmored and you have clean air even though she thinks you don't. 

Breathe in deeply happily just as though you are in a scent of fresh air. Thank Gd for His advice.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


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Happiness? Overrated? Maybe not. What do you do or think about in order to make yourself happy? Gleeful? Joyous. Gay. Ecstatic. Feeling emotionally and physically satisfied? Better than satisfied? Incredibly so?

Is there a taste in your mouth from lunchtime that could be changed to become a better taste? Pop a gumdrop or M&M into your mouth, an almond? If it is sweets that you crave, or salt, then indulge, but just a taste yes, not an overload, a tip on your tongue, tipsiness.

Are your fingers craving smoothness, velvet, silk, an all cotton blouse? A pair of shoes of the exact correct fit on your feet, house slippers, shoes that caress your foot bottoms, sides, and tops, ankles, walking barefoot on a sandy shore to want to be swimming, waves that come in with the tide, each wave to love you.

Waters that are pure, waters that clean upon immediate contact, no soap. A rainfall? A snowfall? Dewy grass, frostiness, autumn trees' dead leaves, catch them grab them out of the sky, jump into a pile of leaves, hear them crackling!

What sounds make you happy? Sounds of silence? Yes. Soft sounds of a kitten purring? Sounds of soft shoes tapping on a wooden floor, gently sounds of water pouring from your tap? Water that is pure, drinkable, satiates your thirst. Sounds of dripping.

Turn on the radio, sounds of music, opera, classical music, rock, rock n' roll, guitars, violins, accordions, sounds of people laughing, children laughing, parents content. Sounds of dogs barking as they eat their sweet treat! Barking for more, giving them more! Teaching a dog a trick, him rewarded. 

Holidays? Do you love holidays? Passover, Easter, Purim, Rosh Hodesh, Christmas, Hanukkah, always another holiday on our calendars, lunar and solar calendars, more and more to celebrate. Cooking your favorite holiday foods. Throwing another house party.

Jewelry? Gorgeousness of gems wrangled upon your wrists, leg ankles, necks with new necklaces. Rings wound upon your fingers, feelingly. Sparkling sea greens, sapphire throne blues. Silver and gold. Real gold, not an imitation! Safes with combinations, locks with keys, safety, security, prosperity of assets. Crystal? Loads of shelves and more shelves with more decorations. Sparkling glass. Glass as prisms, stained glass of all colors, Carnival glass of all shapes. Do colors make you happy? Which colors? Yellow?

Looking in your environment for the location of all that is beautiful, all that is pleasing. Sounds from which to dance, to tap your feet. To enlarge your eyes as the sounds get louder and more wonderful by the moment!

A best friend? All your friends? Your acquaintances? Your family members? Distant cousins? People who go to your religious affiliation? Church or Temple. A stranger on the sidewalk as you pass him you smile and nod and he returns your happiness with reciprocation. His kids say "hi!" A children's playground in a public city park as their destination. Flowers in this park.

Everywhere anywhere something pleasing to see, to smell, flowers, incense in the pollen mingling with the wind, breathing it in and loving its aroma! To remember to put on perfume in the morning. A dab on each wrist. Wonderful breezes of colognes that tickle your nostrils!

Bees going from blossom to blossom, new leaves new flowers. Honey, real bees' honey like date honey, licking it from your fingertips. A spoonful of chocolate to stir in cookie batter, taste and smell it. Chocolate covered strawberries flipped up into a wide opened mouth!

Does all this make you happy? Not to be at a loss of happiness? To perform a mitzvoth, a deed of loving-kindness to achieve instant happiness causing someone else to be happy too.

Feeding the birds? Feeding a newborn infant, a breastfed infant? Helping your elderly mother or/and father to walk holding your arms not needing their canes.

A cup of coffee? A shot of Scotch? Vodka. Mixed drinks. A Bloody Mary? Not to bleed blood, but to drink deliciousness, a drop on one's tongue, instantly to smile a smile of happiness. 

Speaking words of pureness, words you remember reading in your Torah or Bible. Clean words, clean mouth, clean teeth, hands cleaned, washed, clean clothing, clean, clean, clean! Does cleanness make you happy?

It's great to be happy!! Even to be happy when we do not have a concrete reason! Turning a smile of upward lip lines into laughter, jolliness, even goofiness. To love happiness and thank Gd for His efforts in providing you with this happiness.

To share your happiness with others.   

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Image result for great lake pier

How to live a memory, to be where you were and what you were doing when you had an experience that you never forgot, to be again with a family member who is now deceased, to be with a child who now is an adult living elsewhere. To feel your great love for these family members who now take on a different state of being, aura, are dead or grown up, how can we find this love for them again the love we had for them when they were with us, and when we were with them. Does dead mean gone forever? Does growing up into adulthood mean this once was a child but now has no time for you as he is a full time employee with a large family of his own, many kids?

If you are Jewish, can we call upon our deceased as we call upon Avraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, Leah? Certainly! The 613 Commandments say "not to talk with the dead" but we everyday many times a day pray to Gd and also to the Prophets (who are dead), so why not to our own family members who are also deceased? The Commandments warn against us becoming so involved with spirits that we would be in a world of the dead, conjuring spirits with "witchcraft" which is definitely not allowable. But to remember your deceased Mom and/or Dad with fond memories of your past with them is different than submerging yourself into "trances" (which also are not allowable in the 613). To pray to Gd for the welfare of our deceased spirits, to be with them again in our fond memories of them.

So, here we are again, dangling our feet off of piers jutting out into deep waters. Bouncing our feet back and forth splashing, waters changing from green to blue and then from blue to green and then again to blue. Silver mirrors like shiny metal of Great Lake waves sparkling like soda waters as far as we can see. Remembering Dad's "tonic" water and ginger ale, 7 Up, you toasted in L' Chaim!
As the waters cleanse your hands and feet as you tickle your throat esophagus with bubbling water, reflecting in our thoughts and prayers to The Lrd appreciative for a wonderful world of good things! Going forward with thoughts of love for a prosperous future for all who you know and for all the people who love you.

Thinking, using verbal memorizations of prayers and blessings out loud, to say these Hebrew prayers, even if it is just in a whisper, to be vocal and in song, to call upon our Prophets and our families, to say holy Hebrew words, not to be silent! To must sing them with meaning and not to mince words. Prayers before eating and after eating, and The Shema at least twice a day.

Gd is in this Lake we call The Great Lake, a Lake of Greatness, "Rabbah" meaning greatness in the Hebrew language. "Tov" meaning good. To be so in touch with Gd you never leave Him or never deny your Judaism when someone asks!!

The purity of moving waters on the seashores being Rabbah and Tov, and your Faith in Judaism and Gd also being Rabbah and Tov!

As always, "Keep The Faith!" Improve everyday in your belief in Gd, and in the welfare of your Synagogue and Co-Congregants.

Thursday, March 8, 2018


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What did the Hebrew people desire and ask of Gd to provide them? Not meat, but fish!

Raining fishes, all kinds, all colors, red and blue, orange and green, yellow and white. Scales or no scales. Fish without scales however are not Kosher fish. For a fish to be Kosher fish it must have scales and fins.

The porpoise fish is the most intelligent fish of all fishes, the most intelligent mammal. Zookeepers throwing them fish that they jump up and catch it in their mouths. The porpoise has no scales and therefore is not a Kosher fish, and should not be eaten. The Whale also is without scales and therefore is not Kosher and should not be eaten.

Tuna containing the metal mercury in their bodies, a chemical that causes its eater to develop Dementia. To eat Tuna only a few times a year. Not to overdo it!

To buy fillets or pieces, pieces costing less in stores. Fillets costing more, you pay for the glory.

How to catch fish? The homeless being great fishermen, lines thrown off piers, worms on the end, waiting with this bait for a tug, bait that looks like flies. 

One fish two fish red fish blue fish. Taught by Dr. Seuss as kids how to survive, to have enough foods, trips to forests to eat Plantain and Dandelion weeds, bitter, to marinate it in vinegar overnight. Roasted potatoes in a bon fire, the potatoes dug and buried under the fire to reach the hottest of coals. Wrapped in tin foil.

A decorated fish on the dining table at a Bar Mitzvah. Cucumber slices pierced with toothpicks to lay over the fish's skin, scales removed. Skin of cucumbers also removed, green, pealed.

Stuffed White Fish, scarce, not in most stores, the best of fish, not fishy tasting, not bitter, but instead pure in its whiteness, filled with breaded stuffing. Not to eat rare fish, Sushi not for she or he. Eels? No thank you. Shellfish? Not Kosher. Low in vitamin calcium? Do not take oyster shell calcium supplements, too a non-Kosher food. The oyster is a shellfish! Not to take Glucosamine for sore stiff knee joints. It is made from sharks, another non-Kosher fish! No scales.

To eat of the peaceful animals. How to become peaceful? Not to trim your toenails on the same day you trim your fingernails. Trim your toenails on Thursdays and your fingernails on Fridays. To cut them to not feel warlike, to do this just before Shabbat. To on Shabbat feel peaceful, with no fingernail weapons. No Sharks, no Catfish. No Swordfish. Vegan? Sounds good to me. No murdering of any animal, no animal slaughtered. Vegan is Kosher.

Fish for dinner? My Dad got nightmares when he would eat fish on Fridays. I developed an allergy to shellfish when I started to study Torah. Studied children's books like "Green Eggs and Ham". To only eat eggs that are not fertile. Fertile eggs from a chicken are not Kosher. How to tell a fertile egg from a non-fertile egg? A fertile egg has a spot of blood on the outside of the yolk.

Yes, fish, like gefilte fish and lox with bagels are approved fish. They are clean fish, good fish, holy fish. When fish are inspected by Rabbis, they are truly wonderful treats to fill you up! One fish two fish, crimson fish purple fish! Fish with pink polka dots!

Going fishing? Yep! To the Great Lake Michigan. To be a great person because you eat great foods! Fish is for everyone! You are what you eat.

Monday, February 19, 2018


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Oceanography. What is the spiritual aspect of this science, is there a way to look at it to appreciate the Greatness of the Blue Oceans, to fear the Dangers of Ocean Hurricanes as we fear the Greatness of Gd, the Lingering Damaging Floods of Destroying Ocean Tsunamis? 

To appreciate a springtime rainstorm, to see a bolt of lightening to turn it into a musical concert light show? To lay back on green turf on a blanket at an outside musical concert park and beat your feet to the drums you hear. Tap your fingers on your hands like as upon a sweet soprano flute. A piccolo? A Kosher pickle. Not to listen to just bass without Ein Sof as your source of sweetness, sweetness flying high as far as the sound of music can travel.

Oceans. California. The Pacific Ocean. The largest Ocean in the world! 

Redwoods growing. Birds' nests. Ocean birds. 

The tide coming in and going out. Splashing sensations on one's feet. Bare foot in the hot California beach sands. Venus Beach. A home for the homeless to travel. Beaches to welcome the homeless with an outside home. A tent here and a tent there. Every day warm. Every night cool but not cold. 

Oranges. Sweet sugary fructose fruit growing on trees. Pluck them off and eat free food growing on delicious wooden trees. Migrant workers well fed as they eat their own produce. A snack here and a snack there. Not to be hungry. Water coming in from waterfalls. Ocean pure natural waters. To take a Jewish mikvah in the Ocean water. Changing small letters into capital letters: ocean to OCEAN. From small to big. From dirty to clean.

The question is: Can we shun an ocean? An OSHUN? 

We need water every few minutes. Praying for clean water. The "Blessing of Oceanography". Water to saturate the mouth and tongue. Ocean waters cleaned in heavy duty filtration systems. A clean cup, a clean hand, sipping with clean lips. Water chasing away body poisons, food poisoning leaving the body with a glass of pure water. Not processed by the liver, instead expelled out of the body from the kidneys.

A blessing? Can we involve Gd into our thankfulness for the love of these large Oceans? Gd was the Creator. Like a Mom creating children as her own, like a Father helping his wife to raise their children, kids whom the Dad created too.

Watch and learn from Gd's creations, learn from nature. To feel as happy yourself as a great ocean pounding like drums of Timpani on the shores with each wave, successively, generation to generation. Drum head to drum head.

A Mom to become a Grand-Mom. A Dad to become a Grand-Dad.

Happily hydrated like the Great Pacific Ocean, pacified, gladdened, because of the purity of its clean water.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


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What did the Mishkan look like? We have exact blueprints of it saved by historians and worded in The Chumash Torah as described by an Author of Torah. We see pictures of it reinvented so it takes a true form of life, not only two dimensional but full sized, a real life sculpture.

So how can we describe it, not as actually a piece of art, but how it makes us feel to envision it, and to want to touch it as we now touch the Torah Scrolls when they are in procession down the aisle of a Jewish Temple.

We kiss our books, our prayer books, Seders, and feel affection and love as we watch the Torah marched, danced down the pathway, fully garbed in Torah covers, dynamite awesome sewed tapestries, glitter and shine, sparkling, as gold. Gold as the metal that comprised the Mishkan.

Who carried it? The Levites. Grab as far as you can reach. Got it? Touch its surface, smooth, gently, furry, felt-like, embroidered, silk and wool, linen, blue, purple, crimson, white. Where is the white? It is in the rainbow, all colors together, merged, cause whiteness.

To savor a clean feeling in one's mouth as we sing as the Torah is walked down the aisle, no red carpet, wooden benches, a Book of Life, a Bemah. Torah Stand.

A congregant who is in need of peace to shake everyone's hand as they pass by and walk up and then down the Bemah, up and then down Jacob's Ladder. A stage? The curtain behind who stands the Wizard of Oz? To bow frequently, to throw kisses, to throw candy, to catch it and chew it to sweeten our dispositions as we politely, sweetly sing with the Cantor.

The Mishkan? What is behind the Ark? Can we open the Ark doors? Blindingly the shine of the Mishkan with cherubs, two, each on the top. A place to bake Challah breads, two loaves at a time. Golden rods to fit comfortably inside the hands of the working Levites, to get a grip.

Olive oil. Surging and splashing. Oil that heals. Oil that lights a candle, or nine on Chanukah, arms branches, the Family Tree. Twelve Tribes of Israel. To which do you belong?

David. The anointed ones. To hear David again and again each generation, to feel his poetry in your heart.

To use this poetry to keep a loving feeling, especially to love Gd with a mind, a brain, an intellect.

Monday, February 12, 2018


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Seek and find? Look and see? Listen and hear? Sniff and smell? Touch and feel? Believe and acquiesce? Buy and have ownership?

What is it we are looking for? To turn wishes into prayers and prayers into blessings. To know the Hebrew language and have it become your mantra as a dance step or too as you simply sit and rest. To follow its regular beat. To make it your routine.

To smile at a friend and in this way observe the commandment of Pirkei Avot to greet everyone with a cheerful countenance. To as you walk on the street greet a stranger with this same smile and he then becomes not a stranger but a friend. To look the stranger on the street with direct eye contact as he begs you for money and be honest with him, yes you have money or no  you do not. To simply give a man a dollar that would be so appreciated. To instead give him a loaf of bread, if that is what you can give.

Where can I see God if I look for Him? In the gratitude reflected in this strangers eyes as he thanks you for the gift. Or to send someone an anonymous gift card in a greetings card to give someone money but not to identify yourself so he need not reciprocate. You get no reward, the gift is entirely his.

Colors? Do you know what color is which? Ever taken an Art Class? Look all around you inside or out, see all the colors of the rainbow without straining. To love the yellows as you turn them into gold and the grays as you turn them into silver. A door knob? Gold, silver, brass or nickel? Change in your hands: quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies. Colorful pieces of cut glass: gems, jewels. Handcrafting necklaces, bracelets, headbands. Creating something out of nothing. Appreciating the nothing that becomes something. Knowing it is God Who made the difference.

A marble countertop with swirls of silvers inside whites. The text of your favorite book, the binding strong and secure, a book as a companion. The Torah being this Book. Integrating the Commandments into your brain so it becomes second nature to follow them to a T. T is also for Teaching, to Teach Torah and feel comfort and achievement in teaching it. 

Finding God? Seek. Find. Flourish.     

Thursday, January 25, 2018


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Living in East Rogers Park with a Great Lake Michigan down the block, waves of water splashing over frozen sands, water with chips of ice, to dig a hole and insert a fishing line, to catch and eat cold water fish, to string a sharp pointy fishhook with nylon string, to pull up on the string to pop a Blue Gill into your mouth!

Sushi, raw fish, sweet and sour sauce, fish of huge amounts of Omega 3. Which was it meat or fish that was the attraction to the Israelites when they traveled the desert for 40 years? It was fish, not livestock meat that they desired. Fish is Kosher if it has scales and gills. Catfish and Swordfish are not Kosher fishes. Tuna and smoked salmon lox are Jewish traditional foods.

Ice skating on a Great Lake if it is frozen cold frigid solid ice. Sidewalks with a layer of ice for kids to ice skate upon. sliding all in fun.

On the rocks? Can a rock be your friend? A pet rock? On the rocks which are ice cubes in water, a drink over the bar counter, colored blue with a bright blue flame when lighted with a match. Spilled on the counter with a trail of gray smoke and blue fire, to snuff out in a hurry.

Not ever to go hungry, to carry a fishing pole with you and your pet dog, to live as a wanderer wandering along the water shores, always with enough water, always hydrated, always in abundance of fish.

Baked fish with a breaded topping for lunch. Fish is not the enemy, but what is the enemy if fish is not? Secreting thick Tartar Sauce over the pure white breaded fish, a bit of tanginess.

Is meat the enemy? Which meat and why? Do we become vicious predators with teeth as sharp as those of an alligator's when we tear our teeth into this reptile to eat it? Do we become this reptile as ingesting his soul as we eat him? Or, if meat is not the enemy is sugar the enemy instead?

Diabetes overhanging your head as a hang man's noose. Sugars raise your body sugar level dangerously and make the illness of Diabetes eminent. 

What types of sugars are there? Cane sugar is one we know about, and there are many non-sugar sweeteners as well on the market. Pink, yellow, blue packets, all chemicals that give your mouth a sweet taste. But these chemicals are just that, chemicals. Not good for you.

To have a mentor in my Mother who does not sweeten her drinks with sugar cane or chemicals either. To sip the clean purity of mother's milk each time we put a cup of tea to our lips, not sugared, instead pure and distinctive, a taste of loving-kindness.

It is okay to say no. Say no to sugar. What you can say if not "no"? We can say "No, thank you".

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Image result for cooking  fish at a beach

Wanting and wading, waiting, balancing as a gymnast on a pier, jutting narrowly, made of stone crusted cement, changing higher waves into smaller weaker waves, water movements controlled, waiting whetting for greater heights, dangling toes, fingertips, ice capped frozen sands of white snowy giggling glaciers, holes cut into Titanic ships passing by, a stream a scene of Sirens, hair drawn up and flowing down like serpents, a summer spent at a tanning salon, a winter spent below ground.

Queen Persephone, not Esther, with her husband Hades below the Earth, rising as a fiery vicious volcano spitting lava each Spring. To become a Phoenix seagull bird in fierce flight, flying in fright, feathery, summer after summer after summer, generation after generation after generation.

But do you know how to cook?? Well, now, would I trade my life as Phoenix to be a personal chef? How high can it take me? Hades did not take her up, he took her down. Down into the depths of Hell, an imprisonment enslaved as "domestic housewife". To spend the rest of my life in a kitchen? No thanks, I pass. 

The insects of locusts on my beach down the block. Fed all of Egypt, one of the Ten Plagues. Do you know how to cook locusts? They are Kosher foods, you know. The Egyptians ate them too! Curled arms on boiled insect bodies, small corpses mixed together with fried rice. How would I know? 

First born, killed? The end of the Plagues. Let My People Go is the password. How would I know? All you need is the Internet. Ask A Rabbi. How would he know?

If you ask questions you are admitting ignorance. But even though, there were four children and they each asked one of four questions. The fifth child? Why did he not want to know? Was he invited? Why not?

Answers to questions, chefs that do not cook, restaurants inside homes. Locusts as pets not pests. Bowlfuls of jelly-like goldfish, swimming around and around, dizzy, watching them swim, not to be fished out as dinner, instead as supper, yes, super supper, Cod for everyone. Omega 3. 

Cod fish at the BBQ down the block at my Beach. Slurping it up and sliding it down slippery in your throat, an esophagus filled with enough food no famine, dreams of pyramids, storehouses of fish for all. 

All at my village neighborhood Beach, all just a few steps down the block.   

Wednesday, January 10, 2018



An afternoon nap, every afternoon, hiding in caves, bears taking a snooze hiding eyes from brightness with gigantic paws, crawling into their caves, dens, children cubs warming up in their mother's fur, not to end up as a fur coat, saved by those who care about the extinction of animals, animals who love humans, humans who love animals.  

To learn from the bear families, to be like them, to catch sleep during the day, to then be wide open-eyed to hunt your supper. Lake Trout swapped with fingernails as sharp as knives. 

What is the benefit of an afternoon nap? I never knew, but my grandma took them and so does my mother, it separates the morning from the afternoon, takes you from one gracefully into the other. After eating lunch, to healthfully digest your lunch, stomach churning while the muscles in your body are still and restful. 

Are you at work, have a full time job? Have a lunch break? Try to take one half hour to take a snooze. Try to fall asleep in a chair. Eyes closed, deeply in meditation and then wake up and go back to work. 

An afternoon nap! Sounds like a great idea. Yes, there were caves with cavemen who also took afternoon naps. Learn from nature, do as the animals do. Build a nest and coat it in the inside with feathers for warmth, for softness, buy a goose-down filled blanket and pull it up to your chin, head softly nestled into your pillow, to sleep.

Why do we want to sleep? What is the importance of sleep? The Psalms written by King David tell us "God visits His beloved in their sleep".