Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Friday, November 20, 2015


Stretching your wings every morning, as a bird does, becoming awake with the projection of the sun streaming through my window, when light touches the body and enters into the eyes, it is the first sign of G-d coming into my life as Ein Sof, Divine light, entering into the retina and bringing instant joy into my life first thing in the morning. Another day alive! Thanks to You G-d. Modah Ani.

Outside my window rushes sea water, greens and blues, chilling in the autumn temperatures, becoming rocky bursting waves in a cold wind, higher the waves come in one after the other, as we realize them all as One. Echad is the result of many separate waves, one after the other, forming one large lake. More than trillions of molecules of H2O as one unit, one body, the joining in a complete total of the skies and the seas: rain, fog, and lake water, a place to go to feel the strength of G-d, to know His awesomeness. To always feel His freedom.

An empty beach, just me strolling back and forth in the sand, coming across seashells and throwing them back into the sea. Skipping stones, and skipping my steps, kicking up billion year old grains of sand, and remembering back that far, to the beginning, to my childhood, to even before them, to the time of Adam and Eve, back to when there were dinosaurs on that beach, and reptiles in the water.

Remembering back to my mother's arms that held me when I was a child, now we are holding her up as she walks with a cane, but is as proud as pudding: a wise elder, wise in years, a rock that has been fossilized, here for eternity.

Throwing oneself back into the sea to dissolve in the water and have eternal life in Paradise. Living forever.

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