Where to find this treasure map? Under and into the sands of the beach, a moving waters beach, to just insert your hand into the water and you come out clean!
Mr. Clean wore earrings, a nose ring, was he a slave?
The Hebrew People transposed from being slaves to the Egyptians into becoming the Leaders of the World, Internationally, Chieftains, Priests: Kohen, Levi, Nazirite, Prophets, Na'avim. Which of these five are you? Or an Israelite Priest? An Israelite Priestess? Batyah, the Egyptian Princess who helped the baby Moshe out of the River Nile? To raise him as her own child. He to love her as his own real Mother. His true birth Mother paid by the Egyptians to raise her Moshe child, the love of the biological mother-to-son true love bond relationship: lovingkindness, courage, honesty.
Where does this treasure map lead us to? Blue waters, blue skies, a deep blue horizon that separates the seas from the skies.
Comfortable shoes for walking hiking, tip-toeing in the sand, a bicycle to ride on a path, a journey along the beach waters, rubber tires filled up with air to the brim, a silver bike tire rim, to desire a new car vehicle, to be a child in a playground and climb up and down Jacob's Ladder in a park.
Following the angels, we are second only to the angels. An angel to put his arm around your shoulders, to massage your back, to knead your neck and back of head with strong firm hands, all stress leaving the body and brain, to wash off to be pure in these natural moving waters.
She sent me a treasure map, postal mail. Who to love, what is her advice? To like everyone. To love God.
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