To be born, but why and what and who and how? When?
If and when, to be born with a "calling" to be born a doctor to start at the age of three in one's doctoral studies. To be born an artist so one travels the distance between honoring an image to instead use the written word and become a poet.
To have or not have a family of one's own, your own spouse, your own children.
To have an education, to attempt PhD level. To be a "malamed", an eternal student as you then become a teacher as well as a student.
To wonder who to teach? It is forbidden to teach Torah and to take money, to instead be a person who teaches Torah and finds other means of funding, but with plenty of free time.
To teach your "children" does not necessarily mean your own kids, it means to teach "students". To also teach Gentiles so the gap and exile-ation lessens and we become "United" as in The United States of America.
Not to segregate, and/or have sanctification as being separateness to achieve purity. To know and to learn diversity and appreciate others for their differences. To mix colors of skin, religions, education level, ethnicities, to achieve a world of variety, an appreciation and to have knowledge of the life styles of other people who come from other places.
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