The sloshing around with bare feet in the sands just at the tip of the shoreline, water coming rushing in, exploding like 4th of July fireworks, splashing onto your feet up to your ankles and the next wave to splash onto your knees whetting your pants you pulled up to try to save and remain dry, but droplets everywhere, dryness not, moisture on your lips and legs, water surfing on each wave without a surfboard.
Sinking lower and lower into a pool of sand like quicksand but not, in your imagination you must avoid sinking too low, stretching your legs out of the sand, sinking them again into the sand where another wave splashes. How to escape the waves and water? Everywhere is water, but with the thirst of the mouth craving to be relieved as you lick your lips.
Success from stones becoming harmless pebbles from the sandy grainy shore sticking to the bottoms of your bareness of feet in between your toes, shaking off, soles of your bare feet becoming two souls within your body on a Saturday, two souls that are inside of you which occurs on the Sabbath, as you cleanse your feet and sing blessings to praise and thank G-D for everything.
To be proud of your heritage of Davidic and Levi Lineage as your feet usurp slurping lake purity waters, praying and wishing, swishing, moving around with 100% natural mikvah waters, a way to cleanse yourself everyday of the week even when you have not disobeyed a law of purity.
Why do some people shun meditation dissing it as strange, uncommon, not real, out of the ordinary? I think everyone should at least try meditation and try to find some peace in this natural way to ease the mind and relax the body. Gandhi was not the only one in the world who tried and liked meditation. This meditation is a way to a better world for all of us.
As each wave of water caresses your feet and ankles becoming a friend as you meditate on The Lord, you will be able to feel a peace so soothing like none other.
Hello G-D, we are with you, dipping in mikvah waters or not, to beckon to You The Lord to help us, calling to our deceased parent(s) to help us too.
Hashkiveinu, Adonai! [Help us, G-D!] We are with You, please remain with us as we adorn You.
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