Floating downstream on a kayak, just you and the slow sure predictable movement of the still waters or moving waters, being an owner of a yacht to be in command of the seas, using the sumptuous seas as your padded mattress, sleeping on the warm sands of a clean beach, having peaceful patience as you wait for the tide of the water to come in, as it always does.
Having peace through your interpretation of the meaning and purpose of colors. Being an artist who knows colors and how to use them to bring you strength, strength from the peace of a prism as you watch rainbows bounce as reflected sunlight coloring your world with all the colors of the rainbow, being followed through life with this innate appreciation of colors as an artist and always being in peace with all colors.
Using the deepness of the color blue to bring you strength, as the color blue flies in the flag of Israel, and Israel teaches us peace. The blue waters to bring you peace, the blue skies to bring you peace, the blue throne of G-D to bring you peace.
In meditation using repetitive Hebrew language phrases so to always be in song. The sweetness and beauty of this song and meditation to bring you peace, always to be in peace.
Peace as your healer, as your motivator, as your catalyst, as your reason to rise out of bed each morning. To teach others peace. To be healed using peace as your doctor, having the healthiness of a peaceful existence.
Silence as your peace, hearing only crickets in the night, walking softly on hard wood floors, the quietness of a library in your everyday existence, quietness as your music, the sound of a leaf falling off a tree, the sound of it hitting the ground. Not a crunch, the sounds instead of silence.
Peace to know where your next meal is coming from. Having a kitchen, a chef, a shopper, a dishwasher. Nets instead of to be catching butterflies, catching manna G-D rains on us from the sky. Opening your mouth and having it filled.
Never to have a worry, never to have a care, to be in peace at all times with all people.
Fasting without manna falling from your sky, being purposely hungry on a Jewish Fast Day, purposely closing your mouth and not biting with your teeth, not cooling your throat with the peaceful waters, not drinking and not eating.
Having then a care, a concern, for those who do without, for the poor who are hungry and everyday is their "Fast Day," feeling this hunger in your gut so you feel the plights of others, feel compassion for those who do without, like Ghandi who fasted for peace, you have peace as there is no food, your liver and kidneys detox with the Fast.
Sitting on the wet sands with flowing water all around you but without a drop to drink.
Having peace as you derive the experience and wisdom of those who are without peace, those who spend everyday in a Fast, having a care, but not a worry, spending your life in the care of those who do without.
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