Having a love for water, having a love for fish who are out of water, to love fish and to want to protect them, seeing water as a home, a home for fish, wanting clean water so fish can live and not die.
To love fish as pets, to love to eat fish for dinner, to feel strength from pure fish oil, to feel the purity of a fish, to love to eat fish more than meat.
Getting a feeling of calmness as you watch fish circulate back and forth in fish tanks, to have a fish tank that is a cleaned aquarium, to feel the rhythm of fish as they sway their fins and open and close their mouths, silent fish, fish who do not sing or talk, fish that are humble and polite.
Not to eat the shellfish, knowing which fish to eat and which not. To hope as a fisherman to catch a large fish, to be a chef and to stuff fish with a delicious breading, to love whitefish, to not be scared of sharks, to be like Jonah to be saved by a large fish, to be swallowed and floating in the belly of a whale.
To cook fish, to simmer them in oil or butter, to scatter tasty spices upon them, to spatter them in a frying pan, to broil them, to bake them. To love the taste of fish, to crave fish, to need its oiliness, to smack your lips upon even a suggestion of fish.
To swim in a lake with the other fish, to be in a clean lake, to be among the fish as they swim, to live and let live, to learn from the fish as they feel a love of water, to make water their home, to also love water as fish do, to float, swim and dive in water, to be as the fish and do as fish do.
Having a love for The Lord who created the oceans and seas and feeds us with fish.
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