Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Going to a beach where there is a tingle and a splash, a yell and a bellow, a jump over and a dunk under a wave, warmth from the sun to have skin comfort, a leisure time to meditate on water when it comes onto the shore.

To breathe both deeply and shallowly breathing in and out, to concentrate on the source of your breath, to feel the breath where is starts deep inside and originates, to concentrate on it source, to use your breathing to activate your pleasure as you feel the deepness of its source inside of you, deeply into your lungs and other organs of your body, all parts of your body that are breathing with you in unison.

To meditate on G-d as your source of life, to have G-d in your lungs as you breathe and in with you in your stomach as you digest food. To ask G-d to take over your spirit and remain a part of you as He soothes you, to bring Him back with each water wave: high waves, low waves, waves with white frothiness, waves stirring up sand, waves that hit the high notes and waves that bring you low into bass notes, feeling these sounds reverberating in your body, vibrating, deep down inside where the source of your breath is born.

Bringing this breathing meditation with you on the beach or in a meadow, as you walk on a sidewalk or sit in a chair.

Being  One with G-d with you as your body merges with Him whenever and wherever you desire. "To have G-d fulfill all your desires." To be holy as He is with you as a second self, a part of you, with you like your arms or legs, feeling at peace and in pleasure beyond any human capabilities to comprehend this great awe.

To ask Him again and again to please you, to please Him so He pleases you. With a great peace in your heart as you are with Him at all moments and He is yours, your dearest of any Beloved, as you are definitely the dearest Beloved to Him.

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