Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Going to a beach where there is a tingle and a splash, a yell and a bellow, a jump over and a dunk under a wave, warmth from the sun to have skin comfort, a leisure time to meditate on water when it comes onto the shore.

To breathe both deeply and shallowly breathing in and out, to concentrate on the source of your breath, to feel the breath where is starts deep inside and originates, to concentrate on it source, to use your breathing to activate your pleasure as you feel the deepness of its source inside of you, deeply into your lungs and other organs of your body, all parts of your body that are breathing with you in unison.

To meditate on G-d as your source of life, to have G-d in your lungs as you breathe and in with you in your stomach as you digest food. To ask G-d to take over your spirit and remain a part of you as He soothes you, to bring Him back with each water wave: high waves, low waves, waves with white frothiness, waves stirring up sand, waves that hit the high notes and waves that bring you low into bass notes, feeling these sounds reverberating in your body, vibrating, deep down inside where the source of your breath is born.

Bringing this breathing meditation with you on the beach or in a meadow, as you walk on a sidewalk or sit in a chair.

Being  One with G-d with you as your body merges with Him whenever and wherever you desire. "To have G-d fulfill all your desires." To be holy as He is with you as a second self, a part of you, with you like your arms or legs, feeling at peace and in pleasure beyond any human capabilities to comprehend this great awe.

To ask Him again and again to please you, to please Him so He pleases you. With a great peace in your heart as you are with Him at all moments and He is yours, your dearest of any Beloved, as you are definitely the dearest Beloved to Him.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


A place of comfort, warm beige granular sands on a beach like memory foam as your body sinks in, like a depression in potter's clay, like being a sand angel moving your arms up and down, swishing the sandy mounds.

So comforting, so easy, so nice!

Sand that beckons you, slipping off your sandals to walk amidst sea polished stones, to wet your feet and to warm them on a sunbaked beach.

To be there among other bathers remembering the joys of your childhood being at beaches with your parents and siblings. Each water wave stimulating one memory after the other, as your  thoughts brush up against the shoreline in the water spilling forth like the sweetness of candy for you to savor. Tasty morsels of  your childhood joys of your parents rejoicing with you as each water wave wets your memory, refreshing your body and tickling you as you again bounce on the lap of your Dad. To be hearing him laughing in the sounds of the rushing waters echoing his happiness in the water waves. Bringing your shared happiness to life again. Never to forget, never to be without, to enjoy it eternally.

Watching big rich white yachts speedily floating by creating a rippling current in the waves, bringing excitement and stimulation. Canoes and motorboats, rafts and water skis. The paddling of oars beating on the water powering the boats, staying afloat.

"Ahoy!" Says the pirate on a beach with his treasure! A beach is a place that has treasure for you to treasure, a thought to be treasured, to treasure every moment.

To float as a message in a bottle onto a beach, to ride freely casting your sails into the wind!

A beach that will welcome you, fitting in like a seashell among others, to be like one of many fossils, like drips of water that makes up a whole wave, to be stirred up in the frothiness like as in cotton candy, to not thirst and to not dry out.

To have a place to have fun and to rejoice, to refresh and to be purified.

To be a beautiful beachcomber on a blanket baking in the beams of the sun!

Thursday, June 16, 2016


The power of a great lake: to soothe, to cause awesomeness, to tempt you to jump into it and splash around, to encircle your environment with its incredibleness, to let it help and heal you, to share the happiness of being in a lake with others so they feel its joyousness too.

To have a lake in your backyard, to see fish and polished stones by the billions, to step on and crack tiny seashells beneath your feet, to wear bathing suits covered with long white robes, to polish your body with sunscreen lotions and tanning oils, to meditate while sitting in the warmth and heatedness of the beige sands, to be in and with nature, to have it all around you, to be in a busy urban city but to have this rural natural spaciousness in its middle.

Day after day of wonderfulness in the summer months, surfing and swimming, dunking, diving, being driven in wave after wave of continuousness, a continuity of natural scenic beauty, beauty that others desire and even covet, to be within a few walking steps of a sandy beach right outside your front door, to have a beach in your neighborhood, to be a pirate always exposed to the greatness of the greenish blue seas. To be able everyday to imagine the great Splitting of the Seas as happened in the Great Exodus when the Jews were wandering to The Promised Land.

To feel life all around you, to feel it in the freshness of the smell as you sniff of the clean sea air, to feel it in the rushing of the coolness of blue waters as it bathes your body, to feel it in the sites of the vastness and the distance of the line of the horizon that extends over the great sea for miles and miles away.

To hear it and feel it as a sound of music as each wave pummels and plummets the grounds of granular sands like the snares on a drumhead moving around as they wisp back and forth, singing to you the songs of the holy weekday Siddur.

To always be able to go back to the same place, the same grounds of sands that are blowing though are unmoving, always to be there to enjoy this again and again, day after day, season after season, from sunrise to sunset.

A lake, a sea, you can call home, a place to receive love for you to give love, a place to be in the midst of naturalness, of beauty, living in a painting of a blue lake that is yours and that was painted by the greatest of all Creators, the greatest of all Artists, created by the holiness of G-d Himself.

Monday, June 6, 2016


Laying with my head and face upwards to tan in the sun, upwards toward the deep blue sky, a sky that reflects the deepest of the color blue, not a light colored blue that is washed up and faded by the sun, but a blue that is incredibly deep, as deep as Sapphire blue the color of the throne of G-d, the color of the throne of HASHEM.

The skies of this deep blueness are flocked by pure white Seagulls, a bird with a giant wingspan, a pure white bird like the "turtledove" of The Torah, but with a ringlet of a darker colored stripe on their wings to show us there is a contrast between darkness and light, between goodness and badness.

Those who refuse to the see the Light of the Seagull have blindness in their eyes and those who do not frequent the waters of the great Seas have dehydration in their muscles. It is the freedom of the great white Seagull and vast moist pure Lake waters that heal and cure sicknesses.

G-d has put His medicine into these waters and upon the wings of this great bird to touch our tongues with His Goodness, to allow us to feel the Goodness of these phenomena of awesomeness, as to feel the Greatness of this Goodness.

To teach us that there exists a Power that is greater than ours as mortals, that we as mortals are not the power that drives the universe, that there is a Power outside of us, but that merges with us when we obey G-d's Commandments, when we do not allow a false god to come in between us and The Almighty HASHEM.

We reflect this Almighty G-d in our words and deeds, as like He reflects the Light onto the sea water and sparkles it as like being a vast field of sparkling Diamonds, but He teaches us that the search of Goodness is greater than our search for gold. Some will find it and some will not.

Those who are blinded to the goodness our G-d gives us will live in a land of the ugly brown barn sparrow and these unfortunates like the brown sparrow will feed on brown dirty worms that they pull from the ground. These will be their meals instead of the pureness of kosher fish that feeds the Great White Seagull. While some will fly free with the Seagull others will feed on the dirt of the worms as do the brown barn sparrows.

There are those who have a choice, to eat worms or to eat fish, but there are also those who were not born with a choice and can only eat the worms and are not able to be as a White Seagull and fly over the sparkly diamond Lightness of the great seas.

To be born with a choice and to take your choice. This is what our G-d has to offer, to give us a choice and to worship HASHEM and to be happy as we are able to choose, to take our choice, where others cannot.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Sensual awareness, thinking feeling groping knowing sharing.

Settling a stomach after a lunch feeling the body digesting, cells in your skin seeking skin to skin stroking, tapping a keyboard with grace as a piano that speaks words instead of plinking notes, whispering holy Hebrew blessings as they circulate over your halo, beautiful thoughts of love coming down in clouds with sails of speediness as they drift on by like a floating bird, an angel.

Catching moments of excitement and satisfaction like fish on a string, a salmon swimming upstream against all odds, kosher fins and scales, opening mouth and closing lips, getting air through every pore of your skin, a tongue that you can hold so not to blurt out secrets, the tip of your tongue staying moist as you breathe in air through the mouth instead of your nose.

Sitting on a dock of the bay on a beach where the fish open and close their mouths, sliding a hook into their jaws and whipping them into a breaded bun for a lunchtime snack. Smoked salmon and spices, red onions and tomatoes, a bagel to satisfy a Yiddish urge.

Air conditioning on a hot day, sun shining in but not burning. The red skin being on the flesh of the fish and not on your face, smeared savvy with sunscreen lotions.

Cooling off in the water of a warmer August lake, running in the sands as it sticks to your feet, brushing off clean.

Warmed by a smile, heated by a kiss, getting them and giving them, over and over again, being in bliss.

Having the emotional health and wealth of the rich, sharing the tinkling jeweled treasures of your love.

Being with someone who feels happy when you are happy, making it your goal to love them forever.