Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Frozen sand like tundra, mounds of ice cold sand sticking together as a hard firm ground, sand not blowing around, waters frozen sands frozen. Ice caps in water, floating, crashing into the shore, wind picking up and waves growing higher and higher, tearing against each other, against a hard blocky shore.

Water's frozen, no skinny-dipping, chilled like Jello, a large massive body of water as a lake, an extension of it as a creek, flooding from the Mississippi River, boats to take survivors to shore.

Freezing nose and face, covered with a warm scarf over the nose, inhaling salted sea air, freezing the nostrils, dripping, cold air to move the body faster, invigorating and stimulating, walking faster to keep warm.

Water inside the body, filtered water, drinking water, clean water, chlorinated water, water to whet the lips, to cool the throat, to splash on one's face to wake up, natural sea water, pure water.

Pouring water from a separate vessel onto one's hands, one hand and then another, praying, washing like a beaver, cleaning one's paws, making it a holy experience, water inside and outside, water from above and water from below, waters merged into one.

One is echad, one is our G-d.

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