How to create your own physical therapy, water flowing shooting like white rapids upon a muscle sore and stiff, to walk into a dance as the water calms the sore muscle and slowly recedes the pain and stiffness.
What be it? Arthritis? Bursitis? Just turned in bed the wrong way? Walked too far? Exercised too much?
What is the cure? More exercise or to rest and not move the muscle instead?
To not concentrate on the pain, instead to concentrate of the relief of pain.
Think of a masseuse's strong rubbing fingers and hands, spraying warm water upon the soreness and causing a soothing feeling which turns a grimace into a smile of happiness, better to be able to greet all who you meet, to greet family as well as friends.
To buy a Jacuzzi to build in your upstairs bathroom, a large warm deep tub, a bon fire under a glistening copper bathtub, heating up swirling waters, shooting pummeling waterfall sprays, a toy water squirt gun targeting your right hip, pain going away, disappearing, feeling easiness after suffering.
Water as a friend, a cleanser and water as a healer. Water to be there as a creation of Adonai, water in lightness or water in darkness, water by candlelight, one or two candles, water that reflects the moon or/and sun, water that is the answer.
The science of Oceanography as you dip your bare foot into water, to love water, to love God Who created water and to thank Him and praise Him because He did it just for you!
To love Him back with all your heart!