Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Sunday, December 31, 2017


Image result for jacuzzi

How to create your own physical therapy, water flowing shooting like white rapids upon a muscle sore and stiff, to walk into a dance as the water calms the sore muscle and slowly recedes the pain and stiffness.

What be it? Arthritis? Bursitis? Just turned in bed the wrong way? Walked too far? Exercised too much?

What is the cure? More exercise or to rest and not move the muscle instead?

To not concentrate on the pain, instead to concentrate of the relief of pain.

Think of a masseuse's strong rubbing fingers and hands, spraying warm water upon the soreness and causing a soothing feeling which turns a grimace into a smile of happiness, better to be able to greet all who you meet, to greet family as well as friends.

To buy a Jacuzzi to build in your upstairs bathroom, a large warm deep tub, a bon fire under a glistening copper bathtub, heating up swirling waters, shooting pummeling waterfall sprays, a toy water squirt gun targeting your right hip, pain going away, disappearing, feeling easiness after suffering.

Water as a friend, a cleanser and water as a healer. Water to be there as a creation of Adonai, water in lightness or water in darkness, water by candlelight, one or two candles, water that reflects the moon or/and sun, water that is the answer.

The science of Oceanography as you dip your bare foot into water, to love water, to love God Who created water and to thank Him and praise Him because He did it just for you!

To love Him back with all your heart! 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Image result for where is the devil on christmas

Sitting down on a pier with your legs overhanging after skimming rocks on the surface of lake water. The lake water does not disappear in the wintertime, it flows just as fluent as your Hebrew prayers, one prayer after the other, one water wave after the other. The lake being a place to go anytime of the year to whet your bare feet or even just put the palm of your dry hand into the water. The water being a place of conversion or mikvah taking, a place symbolizing the women in the world, goodness, water that cleans.

But what of the accessibility of this mikvah water to you on Christmas, to make sure you take a dip, but in cold water?? Put your right hand into the pureness of this blue sparkling clean natural water and you will be saved. How about that! It is that easy, both The Almighty Lord through the words of Moses said water will change you, as did John the Baptist. You can go either way, but the water is the same. The water was created by God, no one else. Sorry if this is spirituality you may not be able to comprehend, get into the water anyway, even if you cannot comprehend its goodness, the goodness of natural water. Water is not just a summer activity, the devil created Christmas so we would be tempted to worship a false god without the accessibility of natural waters, instead them all being hard as ice.

Yes, the devil is lurking everywhere on Christmas, it is up to you to pray to the true One G-d of Avraham and Sarah, to benign the cancerous idea of a day as Christmas. A day that was created to be the end of goodness, the end of God as we know Him and the beginning of a man who instead is your god.

To pray for all the misguided sheep in the pasture, to pray for a G-d to keep them in His care, a G-d who will give them goodness everlasting even in their ignorance.    

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Image result for hanukkah menorah

December rhymes with "remember". Are we fluent in several languages, can we remember more ways to say Love in many languages spoken around the globe?

If we forgot someone's name, but we remember his face, can we try to get to know him? Are there Jewish prayers we have memorized and sing to ourselves frequently using the words as mantras?

Can we remember stuff that is uncomfortable? PTSD is difficult to forget, can we roll over these memories with forgetfulness to instead remember the good occurrences in our lives? 

Was there something especially wonderful that someone said to you that you appreciated? Can you remember the smile on his face as he spoke to you? 

Are there 613 Commandments that you know and are trying to follow? Are there people who disrespect you because they were never taught the respect in these rules? Respect starts in one's childhood home, the parents need to be respected, if they are not, then they will not respect their own children.

We need to remember that love is there for us even when we are parentless or have no siblings and/or have no pets. The love for us is respectful love, the love for Adonai, especially when our parents are either deceased or in another way unable to give us love. 

What else can we remember this December? To remember being inside the Chapel of a Jewish Temple. To have felt the tzitzit on a tallit, prayer shawl, and to remember to light your Chanukiah Menorah, as it represents life, the disappearance of darkness, nine candles with one Shamash candle. To rest easy at night, to get a full night of sleep after the candles rest easy too, to fully burn down to the wick, a prayer sung each time we light it to enlighten our own Jewish spirituality.

The trees outside are formed like Menorahs, branches like candle arms burning in ecstasy! Never forget the warmth of this love from your Menorah candle flames, and the word in Hebrew as "ahavah" which means Love in English.

Love and Light Forever.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Image result for one good turn does another

Have you ever been the victim of theft? Or just to lose something and not be able to find it, someone found it and kept it, did not put it in the lost and found? Was there an error, and no one is to blame, but you are nevertheless at a loss of your property and it cannot recouped.

Have you ever then found property, just after you lost property, and had the opportunity to steal it or report it, and the feeling of revenge tries to turn you into a bad person, instead of a good person, which you were before your personal property was snatched.

A devil saying to you, "Do unto others as they have done unto you." But to realize it is actually: "Do unto others as you wish to be done unto you". It's one GOOD turn deserves another, not one's BAD turn deserves another.

Items missing on your end, but pride and goodness as the ultimate result in the judging of your character as you continue to find and return items, not stealing them, even though you yourself was robbed.

Wishing all the world could be as good as you are.