Poet Beth "Batyah" Elishevah Ginzberg expresses her creative poetic meditations about water as a very powerful atmospheric element of the environment. Ginzberg wrote these poems at the East Rogers Park Lake Michigan Beaches, on-the-spot, to experientially convey the full effect of the Great Lakes of Chicago, IL USA for your reading pleasure.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Image result for write a song

Do you have a tune in your head that is going around and around, a musical thoughtful experience, a lively stimulating thread of words, new words, a new song, a song you never heard anywhere else but only in your mind?

The Psalms and The 613 Commandments tell us two ideas, for each of us to write our own Torah, and for us to write our own song, a new song, a song we create ourselves.

How to find the beat? Can you start off by humming and then by tapping your feet, tapping your fingers on a table, fingernail after fingernail, as like on a piano, even a player piano with a beat that never fails. We are to clang together cymbals and play the lyre. Instead of this, we can video ourselves and upload the movie on YouTube.

A new song, tropes as in the tropes of the Hebrew language, calling to God to help you pronounce each word, words that are holy Words, as we say in Hebrew, D'varim.

Call to God and ask Him to put the Words into your mouth, so His Words become your Words, and the songs to become new and creative, lively or meditative.

Strumming on your guitar like she is a woman, the guitar being a body, creating song with her body, the body could be The Shekinah, The YAH, The feminine entity of the Hebrew Goddess, a guitar song that is joyous or too that weeps.

Loving new songs, new poetry in the songs, like a newborn baby, a song could put the baby to sleep, a song that sings as a lullaby, a soothing song. A song that never ends...

Monday, September 25, 2017


Image result for hockey

A swimming lake soon to become a lake on which to skate, round and round, a time for an entire family of The Bobbsey Twins, The Brady Bunch, to play hockey, spinning thick black rubber pucks back and forth hitting them against cracking screeching hockey sticks, flashing like lightening, the speed of light and sound, smashing into a hockey goal net, so fast in its speed it cannot ever be stopped, generation after generation, more and more, eternally. 

A goalie swinging his padded arm up as in a catch, but not in the nick of time, a goal won by the opposing team, the numbers of winning points excelling, a game turned into a life's endeavor, we play the game of life to help us and others to enjoy ourselves, to have a beautiful day everyday, to have fun, yes, but mostly to win, definitely, we know we can win, with WON that is also spelled ONE, as in ONE God to worship so life does not become a mess of massive confusion, only one God, one life in present day, one reincarnation after the other one, one LOVE, being God as He rests inside your body and brain, and of course, in our hearts.

Who to love? Love yourself as you were created in the image of God, as you love God, you love You. To look into your mirror on your wall and to see God looking back at you, whether your eyes are a dove's deep dark brown, or whether they are a bright blue or hazel green.

Have a beautiful day to celebrate your existence with God and all the colors of the rainbow as the world's flags fly high in the sky, from all nations, nations everywhere, two thousand universes, believe it or not, all under just ONE God, a loving God Who is capable of Everything. All you have to do is ask.

Friday, September 15, 2017


Image result for talk and sing to god

Lonely? Even alone in a crowd, looking around for a friendly face? Can you instead be that friendly face? Is there someone who needs attention who you see might want to strike up a conversation? Do people miss you and tell you they miss you when you are not there?

Is there a task you are committed to do everyday, something you love and something that invites others to love you? Do it everyday whether or not you are verbally encouraged to do it by others.

When you are involved in this task, can you summon the Lord to be with you and to guide you, so His Words become your Words. Are you are writer or artist or actor? God is there for us to take hold of His hand, to be our leader, putting you at the head not tail, He is your Leader and you become a leader of humanity this way.

Be at the top, not at the bottom. Eat meat from the front of the bull not the back. As you eat leave a morsel of food on your plate for God to eat. Sing, yes sing, to God, a song of thankfulness for your meal. Sing before and after you eat. God loves song and He will feed you more and more the more you sing.

Want someone to talk to? Talk to God. Say "Hello, Hi, Greetings, Dear God..." He is waiting for you and He awoke you in the morning just so you could accompany Him all day long.

Eat salads and meditate? Where do you think you are? On top of Mount Sinai? Imagine that. Climbing a mountain without your feet and taking  a rest, a meditation, without an airplane to a get away.

And of course, we must thank God, thank Him for never leaving you. Praise Him for holding on to your hand and loving you. And of course, love Him back.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Image result for sunken yacht in miami

To be on a seashore and to observe hundreds of yachts drifting around upside down, on their side like the death of great white sharks and whales, alligators, swamp snakes.

Million dollar property destroyed, not saleable, victims of two hurricanes, people who once were owners and givers now being in need of charity and donations for the poor, the homeless. They are now the poor and homeless, the tide came in, it simply changed. 

You once complained of cold winter weather in Chicago? Changed your mind now as the seasons and weather temperature in Chicago changes from hot to cold and from cold to hot? Not bored anymore, not predictable, no hurricanes that hit Chicago, ever? God moving around shifting from side to side in bed as He views all our circumstances and allows the righteous to have and the wicked to have not.

God killed those in Sodom and Gomorrah and now it is Miami Florida, Cuba, Puerto Rico, The Caribbean Islands, etc. We asked God to save 50 or 40...10, and so we hope to have survivors of this victimization, we now have billionaires who are without anything in a line to get a sip of fresh drinking water. A man who owned a fleet of yachts, but who cannot swim, being rescued from flood waters the same as his servants. Remember it is women and children first, the captain goes down with his ship. Ever see a fat yacht captain sailing close to the shore to show off? Doing a belly dance with a glass of liquor surrounded by beautiful young women like Herod? Did you curse his arrogance and wickedness under your breath being in sync instead with the needs of the poor, in sympathy with the man who polishes those yachts.

Now we are seeing the boats tossed about as sea wrecks, with giant holes ripped into them like were in the Titanic.

Never even been on a yacht in your life to begin with? But your doctor owned one? You did not miss much, a few sharks, deadly water undercurrents, a motorized engine with sharp blades swirling around to cut off your legs.

We are told to give to those who voted for politicians to lower taxes of money for the poor. What comes around goes around.

How easily one can lose everything.

And when it is lost it cannot be recouped. You once had all the electronic gadgets ever sold on the market? You just wanted what your neighbor had looking over the backyard fence at his greener grass? Now, what do you have and what do you not have and what does he have/not?

You have Psalm 23: "The Lord is my Shepherd therefore I lack nothing..." 

Thursday, September 7, 2017



Meditation. Calming, soothing, serene, easiness, thoughtfulness, wondering, mind-wandering, wishful, rhythmical, breathing in and out in unison, slightly moving one leg and then another, tap tap tap, a drumming of one's heel to the ground, and then the other heel.

Opening one's eyes one and then the other, closing both eyes, a Shin on one's forehead, Shin of Shekinah, Shekinah of Shema. Shem meaning "name" in Hebrew, an added "ah" to feminize it. To talk to Ha'Shem, to pray to "The Name". A Name of a Female, an "ah" at the end. A mother-figure, you yourself, if you are female. To pray to your Motherly spirit, the Cho-achma. The Hebrew word Cho-ach'ma meaning wisdom. The wise and knowledgeable coming forth from water and fire, water and fire elements as women (water) and men (fire). To feel them both as your strength, your stronghold.

To use a mantra as you meditate, a word or sound or just a syllable, to ease your consciousness, to be conscientious.

To feel your blood circulating in your muscles, to be in touch with the organs in your torso, to feel your heart gently predictably rhythmically pumping, all the blood together, mixed, around and around like delicious cake batter in a bowl, tasting sweetly upon your tongue. 

To concentrate on an image, or a word, a Word of The Torah. To know what "Chesed" is. Chesed is the Hebrew word for lovingkindness. To feel the Chesed of your parents, of your loved ones, of your family, extended family, cousins and more cousins, your audience, your cheerers, many who count on you, many who are there for you, even more as you remember them in your meditation. 

Not strange to meditate. Only strange if you allow it to be strange. Hebrew Torah Word meditation to take you up into the highest of heights. 

Climbing Jacob's Ladder into Heaven and never sliding down. But to be grounded in the stability of the moving scale of justice as it balances, naturally, in a soft simple ease of a breeze.