Dead sea salts, overflowing waters, coolness, a spray of mist of greenish bluish sea water, a taste in your mouth of freshness, a minty flow of gushing and sprinkling, a body cleanse, a feeling of soapiness, a regular flow of tide waters upon your feet, in between your toes, not a dry feeling, a wet moisturized state of hydration.
Licking the wetness off your lips, saturated from head to toe, water dripping from your hair, wetness on the head and surrounding, enveloping, encompassing. Splashed on the face!
Sweetness of saturation, like sugary water droplets, like lemony lotions massaged into the hands. A beaver washing your hands again and again in the foam.
Wiping your wetted eyes dry so you can see, Emerald greenness of seas into the distance forming a linear horizon smeared between the sky and the sea in a fog.
Dense watery air closing in on you like a cloud hovering, being in a camouflage of protection. Paddling, not kicking, instead drifting, easily easing, floating in with the tide.
Floating in perfect harmony with nature, flowing in and flowing out, set safely upon shallow waters like a shellfish swimming, guided securely into his shell.
Being soothed with the comforts of sea bathing.